N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Nov 1, 2021, 15 tweets

Michael Flynn is trending on Twitter this morning after explosive allegations from Everett Stern, a former HSBC Bank whistleblower & GOP candidate for PA Senate. He is accusing Flynn & operatives of trying 2 recruit him 2 find dirt & blackmail area politicians @davetroy

Everett Stern, in a press conference in Philadelphia on Saturday claimed a group called the "Patriot Caucus" led by General Flynn was also potentially plotting upcoming malign operations in places like Virginia. Virginia has a critical election for Governor on Tuesday #VAGOV

He later provided this photo via his twitter account @EverettStern1 where he is pictured with Andrew Meehan on the left and an unidentified Flynn supporter on the right. Andrew Meehan ran against and lost to @RepBrianFitz who is currently the Rep. for PA's 1st district. #PAGOP

Everett @EverettStern1 says he was approached by this Flynn backed group in April 2021 to utilize his skills & private intel company Tactical Rabbit to gather intel & dirt on politicians to "move" or blackmail them towards Trump-supported election audits #BigLie #infosec #InfoOps

Here is a link to the full 20 minute press conference Everett Stern
@EverettStern1 gave on Saturday can be found here:
@davetroy @visionsurreal

We attempted to track down a website related to the group "Patriot Caucus" that might be functional. We found patriot-caucus[.]com that was interestingly registered at Godaddy anonymously on Feb 10, 2021 a a month after the #Jan6th insurrection. We think it is Texas based

This patriot-caucus[.]com website is fairly non-descript, is hosted on a Google IP address and has only a simple contact form. It does interestingly use a very specific Getty image from a candlelight vigil for 5 officers killed during protests, in Dallas on July 11, 2016

In the photo @EverettStern1 provided where he's standing with Andrew Meehan at a Kiwanis park presumably in Pennsylvania theres a "Patriots" logo displayed. Everett addresses both "Patriots" & "Patriot Caucus in his presser. We've not been able to find other examples of this logo

Everett @EverettStern1 tweeted this earlier today. There are of course lots of questions and much of his accusations obviously need to be verified ... but many already align with work done by a great number of excellent researchers like @visionsurreal

There are also a number of parallels to this absolutely bizarre story 2 months back about Staci Burk and the Arizona election #fraudit #AZaudit that perpetuated the #BigLie

With everything, one needs 2b cautious & verify verify verify. These accusations are incredibly serious & theres plenty of odd things going on behind the scenes. For example someone attempted to create a Twitter account @everett_stern that appears to have been promptly suspended.

A number of people are suggesting that the unidentified woman in the photo at the Kiwanis park in PA is Velma Anne Ruth

In addition 2 the suspended account @everett_stern presumably trying to pose as @EverettStern1 another account is currently successfully posing as Everett. @I_HeartDeJu was previously Nick from Germany back in 2020 & in 2016 seemed 2b a woman having trouble returning Gucci shoes

Besides Twitter on multiple occasions suggesting Russian or Turkish accnts to follow on this fake Everett Stern account @I_HeartDeJu the actual followers of the account are incredibly suspect. Really looks like repurposed hacked Twitter account. Why or what its purpose .. unclear

Here is a thread from @visionsurreal very much related and definitely worth reading. #infoOps

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