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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

Nov 4, 2021, 12 tweets

Jack Ruby is the man who shot dead Lee Harvey Oswald on national television in 1963.

Left-wing accounts are not feeling confident Kyle Rittenhouse will be convicted so they are threatening to kill him instead.

A Portland #antifa account laments that Kyle #Rittenhouse will likely not be convicted on the homicide charges but says the "upside" is that he will be easier to kill.

“Where do we start the next riots?” asks Christine Suffield-Jay after feeling like Kyle #Rittenhouse will not be convicted. #Kenosha

“If Rittenhouse walks, we riot! Plain and simple.”

An #antifa member promises violence if they don’t get the verdict they want.

Far-left Twitter user says he and others will respond with violence if #Rittenhouse isn’t convicted.

“If this judge lets Kyle Rittenhouse off, I don’t wanna hear people crying about riots & fires.”

Twitter user issues a veiled threat to kill Kyle #Rittenhouse.

Twitter account incites mass violence & calls for the judge to be murdered if Kyle #Rittenhouse isn’t convicted by the jury. #Kenosha

Account calls for burning Judge Schroeder to death in an arson attack. #Rittenhouse #Kenosha

Annie Martinez-Webb: "If Kyle Rittenhouse is set free I hope someone shows him vigilante justice. I mean it—I hope someone takes matters in their own hands." #Rittenhouse #Kenosha

Rapper J. Charles says he hopes someone murders Kyle #Rittenhouse if he isn’t convicted.

Zach Kelly, of Hanover, Ind., suggests he & others may pre-emptively shoot Kyle #Rittenhouse.

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