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Nov 8, 2021, 15 tweets

The trial of accused teen shooter Kyle #Rittenhouse in #Kenosha, Wisc. has brought in a new round of gaslighting mainstream press coverage that obfuscates how violent the BLM-Antifa riots were there. Video by @Julio_Rosas11:

Flashback: BLM-Antifa rioters carried out large arson attacks in #Kenosha in August 2020. #Rittenhouse
Video by @DrewHLive:

Armed BLM rioters attacked & threatened to kill the group protecting a gasoline station as fires and violence engulfed #Kenosha, Wisc. in August 2020:

Flashback: Marauding crowds of BLM-Antifa rioters destroyed #Kenosha, Wisc. in August 2020 to protest the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a man who tried to get a knife to attack police when they responded to an arrest warrant against him for rape.

Flashback August 2020 in #Kenosha: “We’ll burn your shop down too”

For days, the city was under siege by rioters who rampaged through the streets destroying property, starting fires & promising violence against the locals. #Rittenhouse

Flashback August 2020 in #Kenosha: BLM rioters destroy vehicles one by one. #RittenhouseTrial

Flashback: Arson attacks in #Kenosha by BLM-Antifa rioters in August 2020 spread to a left-wing universalist church. It became completely engulfed in flames even though it had BLM signage.

Flashback August 2020: Rioters in #Kenosha went around the streets with bats to smash up cars and businesses. #Rittenhouse

Flashback August 2020: Armed rioters in #Kenosha forced an armored sheriff’s vehicle to stop. The rioters worked to drive law enforcement out & to stop them from responding to emergency calls for help. Video by @DrewHLive:

Flashback August 2020 in #Kenosha: BLM-Antifa rioters smashed their way into buildings & torched them from the inside. #Rittenhouse

Flashback August 2020 in #Kenosha, Wisc.: BLM-Antifa rioters rampaged throughout the city, destroying property, looting businesses & then setting them on fire. #Rittenhouse

Flashback August 2020 in #Kenosha: An elderly man with a fire extinguisher tries to ward off the #BLM rioters & looters. They then beat him unconscious and he begins bleeding from the head. #Rittenhouse

Flashback August 2020 in #Kenosha: Marauding mobs of BLM rioters carrying bats went from building to building to break inside. #Rittenhouse

Flashback August 2020 in #Kenosha: Though described as “racial justice protests” in the liberal & establishment press, the citizens in Kenosha were terrorized for days as BLM-Antifa rioters from across the country descended on city to burn & loot:

Flashback to August 2020 in #Kenosha: Some of the aftermath of the ultra-violence carried out by BLM-Antifa rioters for rape suspect Jacob Blake. Video by @DrewHLive:

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