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Nov 11, 2021, 6 tweets

On Cities, Regions & Built Environment Day at #COP26, our team is at the @ICLEI, #LGMA event: "Local Government and Municipal Authorities COP26 Multilevel Partnership.”
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Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport, Scottish Government, stresses that the majority of actions and decision making to tackle climate change must be taken forward at the local level, stressing the need to empower people. #Time4MultilevelAction

Alison Evison, President, COSLA, stressed the need to recognize local governments as more than just a stakeholder in the climate negotiations, emphasizing that they are central to local, effective climate action. #Time4MultilevelAction

James Jamieson, Chairman, @LGAcomms, underscored the importance of sharing case studies and best practices on climate change actions, and called for the role of subnational governments to be recognized at the final COP26 proclamation. #Time4MultilevelAction

Kata Tüttő, Vice Mayor of Budapest, Hungary and Member of the European Committee of the Regions, stressed the need to bring citizens in the sustainability discussion, highlighting that solutions can be found at the local level. #Time4MultilevelAction

Francisco Resnicoff, Deputy Mayor of Buenos Aires for International Relataions and Dan Lert, Deputy Mayor on Ecological Transition, City of Paris, France, exchange views on city to city cooperation in a discussion moderated by Claire Holland, Leader of Lambeth Council, London, UK

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