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Nov 11, 2021, 8 tweets

🏙 As the world grapples with the #ClimateCrisis, cities are finding new ways to cut emissions and keep citizens safe.

🌏 Here are 5 places leading a green revolution. What can we learn from them?🧵

🇬🇧 London

Mayor @SadiqKhan wants to make the English capital a greener city by:

🟢Cleaning up toxic air
🟢Investing in low-carbon homes
🟢Introducing more electric vehicles

🤝 But he needs to work with local and national authorities for more progress.…

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Glasgow

💰 25% of Glaswegians suffer from fuel poverty. How can the green transition include them?

🟢 From retrofitting homes to investing in heat pumps, here's how the #COP26 host is leading the way for a ‘just transition’.👇

🇨🇴 Bogota

🚎Transport accounts for nearly half of the Colombian capital's greenhouse gas emissions

🗣The city asked residents to suggest ways to make transport more eco-friendly

🛣One of the results? A plan to transform a 23km road into a Green Corridor…

🇮🇳 Mumbai

☔️ Heavy rains in the Indian city have claimed more than 400 lives in the last decade, and caused over 170 landslides.

🌊 Solutions include new water-trapping reservoirs.

❓ What else is on the table?…

🇺🇸 Los Angeles

📉 LA is aiming for net-zero emissions by 2050 by relying more on renewable energy and getting #EVs on the streets, among other measures.

⭕️But it’s also making sure its climate action promotes racial and economic justice.…

🟢 When cities invest in climate-smart ideas, they not only cut emissions but help them adapt to a warmer future.

🗣 “Climate-smart ideas bring lots of side benefits,” writes @BrodieBoland and Milag San Jose-Ballesteros of @C40Cities.…

🌉 Today at #COP26, the spotlight is on cities, regions and ‘built environments.’

🟢 Sign up below to get more expert reporting and analysis from our climate editors @LaurieGoering and @MeganRowling straight to your inbox 👇

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