Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Nov 14, 2021, 10 tweets

Every nation in the world is waiting for America.

@CDCDirector - the @CPHO_Canada has had the bravery to say the words "aerosol" as applied to #COVIDisAirborne.

You have not. The last time you said that word was October 24, 2019.

When will you say that it as clearly as her?

To both of you, @CDCDirector and @CPHO_Canada - when will either of you have the courage to simply say #CoVidIsAirborne?

IPC departments across both of our countries are still predominantly using droplet protocols.

And we....

the proud Canadian and American people, are paying the price.

10,000 dead in America from CoVid caught in the hospital, @CDCDirector.…

More than 2900 doctors and nurses dead.…

@CPHO_Canada - thank you very much for clearly saying that CoVid is spread via aerosols. Thank you very, very much.

But, to be fair and clear - an equivalent amount of patients and health care workers have died in Canada.

Until you, @CDCDirector and @CPHO_Canada say, "CoVid is Airborne," airborne IPC protocols will not be implemented..

@WHO is not going to say it. @DrTedros is not going to say it.

The last time either of you said "airborne" ?

It was in regards to SARS and MERS.

We all know that SARS-COV-2 is the far more transmissible cousin of both of them.


There is a mountain of evidence that #CoVidIsAirborne. It is as high as all of those bodies stacked up.

I am not saying that you killed of those people.

But droplet protocols in an airborne pandemic? Those are literally killing us.

A mountain of evidence?

Far more than influenza, chicken pox, SARS, MERS, tuberculosis - or even measles.

A mountain as high as 25,800 bodies.

So, I respectfully ask that you declare, "CoVid is Airborne."

We are all tired - but there are no shortcuts. No off-ramps.

Let's just say it out loud, and get to work.

@POTUS's and @JustinTrudeau's FDR moments are here.

But only you can make it happen.

We are ready.

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