People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) Profile picture
Official account of PMOI/MEK, the main Iranian opposition group seeking to establish a free, democratic & non-nuclear Iran at peace with the world. @PMOIRAN

Nov 14, 2021, 5 tweets

November 14 - Isfahan, central #Iran
Retired steel workers rallying and demanding answers to their long raised issues and economic woes.

November 14 - Ahvaz, southwest #Iran
Retired Khuzestan steel workers and pensioners rallying and protesting officials' refusal to see to their long-raised demands regarding their wages and deteriorating living conditions.

November 14 - Tehran, #Iran
State bus line drivers rallying and demanding answers to their long-raised demands, and protesting economic grievances.

November 14 - Isfahan, central #Iran
Farmers protesting and demanding their share of water from the local Zayandeh-rud River. Regime officials have long rerouted the waters for their own purposes.

November 14 - Shiraz, Fars province, south-central #Iran
Employees of hospitals, medical centers, & medical schools are protesting their poor living conditions & regime officials' refusal to respond to their economic woes.

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