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Nov 16, 2021, 8 tweets

#BREAKING Polish forces fire tear gas at stone-throwing migrants on border: defence ministry

#UPDATE Poland's defence ministry says Polish forces in the eastern village of Kuznica fired tear gas at stone-throwing migrants along the border with Belarus

#BREAKING Polish police say officer seriously injured in border clash

#BREAKING Russia says Polish use of tear gas, water cannon on migrants 'unacceptable'

#UPDATE Polish police said an officer was seriously injured with a likely skull fracture in clashes at the border with Belarus in which police fired tear gas against stone-throwing migrants

#UPDATE Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the use of tear gas and water cannon by Polish forces to stop migrants entering from Belarus was "absolutely unacceptable"

#BREAKING Belarus accuses Poland of 'escalating' migrant crisis with 'direct provocations'

#UPDATE Polish forces fired tear gas and deployed water cannons against stone-throwing migrants trying to cross the border from #Belarus on Tuesday, sparking accusations from Belarus that #Poland was trying to escalate the crisis

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