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Jun 20th 2023
🧵It appears that as of now we have no consensus in @NATO to bring #Ukraine into the alliance, with the conversation having shifted to debating a formula that would provide assurances and support to Ukraine short of membership. These half measures will help, but not enough. 1/8
I won’t go into those proposals, as in my view none offers a clear path forward that Ukraine needs to rebuild after the war. Moscow banks that that the West will not stand up for what it preaches, and that it will push #Ukraine to a settlement that will cede UKR territory. 2/8
We continue to re-debate why #Russia invaded #Ukraine instead of focusing on how to defeat the invasion. And most of all, while govt documents and analytical pieces talk of a new era of great power competition, I have yet to see a clear articulation of what victory look like.3/8
Read 8 tweets
Jun 11th 2023
🧵Dorota Wysocka Schnepf writes:

"1. Human imagination is limited. In #Poland 2005, did we imagine that the president and prime minister would soon be twin brothers? It sounded absurd at the time. And yet. We have once again astonished the world. We have stolen the Moon. Image
2. If the elections were to be held tomorrow, @pisorgpl would've to rig them to stay in power. Fifty to thirty-something - in most polls this is the ratio of support for the democratic opposition to the United Right's ratings. Image
3. Until now, it's been a worrying mystery as to how the large group of undecided voters of several % would vote. In polls already conducted after the 4/06 march, this number has essentially fallen. And the @Platforma_org ratings rose by about as much.

Read 43 tweets
Jun 11th 2023
#Poland's #RuleofLaw breakdown: If correctly reported, this is quite the admission from @VeraJourova as it directly contradicts what Commission told MEPs last Jan and this would make VDL Commission complicit in violation i.a. of law-making Art 7(1) recommendation and milestone...
Compare the COMM's legally & reality-disconnected diagnosis re PL (in part *unconstitutional*) law of Jan 2023 with (correct) assessment of @coe Committee of Ministers…
cc @DanielSarmiento @JMorijn @zatschler
@JFLopezAguilar @Tineke_Strik @SophieintVeld Image
Releasing EU recovery funding on back of a set of cosmetic, in part unconstitutional, changes rushed in violation i.a. of EU's own lawmaking recovery milestone while ignoring continuing + *systemic* violation of ECJ (& ECtHR) #ruleoflaw rulings would be particularly irresponsible
Read 5 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
The start of meteorological summer. It's also the start of the 17th month which has seen war in #Ukraine.
It's Day 463 of #Russia's illegal war and Thursday is another day which has started with murder in #Kyiv.

All the important news and analysis in one thread, starts here:
First, a quick reminder that you can access all yesterday's developments in #Ukraine in this link to the start of Wednesday's thread⬇️

Thanks to all my followers, boosters, story suggesters and financial supporters (see my profile for the link)

1/ Attack on #Kyiv

The first day of summer is Children's Day in #Ukraine. Yesterday schools closed for the summer.
In the first few hours of this special day, an 11 year old child was killed, murdered by #Russia's missiles, along with two adults in their 30s.

#StopRussia ImageImage
Read 53 tweets
May 31st 2023
#France and #Macron deserve a thread in the context of #Ukraine, #Russia and beyond.

- First, some historical context: France, just like #Britain, is a declining power. This process started with the loss of colonies after the World War 2.

🧵 ...

- A clear geopolitical shift happen with the Suez Crisis in 1956, which marked the emergence of #USA and #USSR as the world powers.

- #France also experienced a humiliating military defeat by #Germany during the World War 2. That shaped rather pretentious politics of ...

.. Charles de Gaulle, who tried to restore the French power with dissenting views vis-a-vis #Americans and #British (or the "collective Anglo-Saxons"). In 1966, #France withdrawn from the #NATO's military command.

Read 19 tweets
May 26th 2023
Friday Fact-Check Overview: 26-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Eksplozja w #Chmielnickim. Brak dowodów na obecność #amunicji ze zubożonym #uranem

#Rosyjska #propaganda po raz kolejny aktywnie próbuje siać #panikę w #Polsce i krajach #Europy. Narracje te są bardzo chętnie powielane przez liczne konta w mediach społecznościowych. [1/3]
Na ten moment nie ma żadnych dowodów na to, by w #Chmielnickim znajdowały się magazyny, w których składowano #amunicję ze #zubożonym #uranem. Nie zaobserwowano wzrostu #promieniowania ani w #ukraińskim mieście, ani w #Polsce. [2/3]
Read 33 tweets
May 19th 2023
Friday Fact-Check Overview: 19-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
«O υπερπολυτελής συρμός ΔΕΝ ανήκει στον πρόεδρο της #Ουκρανίας #Βολοντίμιρ #Ζελένσκι»

«Ο ισχυρισμός κρίνεται #αναληθής. Τα υπερπολυτελή βαγόνια που απεικονίζονται στις φωτογραφίες δεν αποτελούν το εσωτερικό κάποιου τρένου που ανήκει στον #Βολοντίμιρ #Ζελένσκι. [1/2]
Οι εικόνες προέρχονται από υλικό που κυκλοφόρησε το 2015 από το εσωτερικό επιβατικών βαγονιών που δημιούργησε η εταιρεία #Ukrainian #Railways στα πλαίσια διεξαγωγής διαδρομών με αυξημένες παροχές.» [2/2]…
Read 24 tweets
May 16th 2023
Big and happy news out of #Poland yesterday: Patients' Rights Ombudsman decision states clearly that threats to mental health are grounds for legal #abortion.
This is a huge win for the health & rights of people in #Poland and for @federapl.… Image
2/ In #Poland, where legal abortion is virtually banned & near impossible to access, this puts pressure on drs & hospitals to recognize mental health risks of continuing pregnancy, lays groundwork for ppl to fight for right to legal #abortion. Background:… Image
3/ In ongoing research by @hrw in #Poland, drs, psychiatrists, & activists told us that ppl showing clear mental health risks due to a pregnancy often struggled to access #abortion bc the law lacks clarity about what constitute "risks to life or health". Image
Read 4 tweets
May 16th 2023
#Nuked Themsleves: “They will blame #Russia as always”: a sociologist on the growth of the background #radiation in #Khmelnytsky (160 nS) | May 15
-the Russian army #destroyed the #ammunition depot -shells with #DepletedUranium were stored at the facility.…
#Finland's background #radiation normally varies between 0.05 and 0.30 #microsieverts per hour (µSv/h)
Tuomas Peltonen / Inspector general
tel. +358 975 988 508…
- #Loviisa NOW: 0.210 #microSieverts ImageImage
cc: @ ArthurM40330824
#Gamma radiation in #Khmelnytsky could actually indicate that a #DirtyBomb was stored in the warehouses.
Gamma radiation is characteristic of #enriched #uranium. Is it possible that were making "dirty bombs" at the Khmelnitsky #NPP
Read 35 tweets
May 15th 2023
Hello everybody - let's get the show on the road for another week!

It's the original, the one & only daily🧵with all you need to know about what's happening in #Ukraine's defence against #Russia, which has reached day 446.

Catch up on Sunday's news here:
More very damaging losses for #Russia yesterday.

#Ukraine's figures show almost 7% of all destroyed artillery systems happened in the last 24 hours.

Vehicles, fuel tanks and special equipment also above the mean as well as killed soldiers.
#RussiansGoHome Image
The British update today questions #Russia's air defence.

It's always been a problem for Moscow after sending most of its domestic protection to #Ukraine, only to have to bring some back as #Kyiv shows more ability to hit long range targets.

#StandWithUkraine Image
Read 32 tweets
May 11th 2023
Welcome to the #UkraineRussiaWar news thread for Day 442 of the full invasion.

All the news in one handy place, updated throughout the day, sprinkled with my analysis.

Busy yesterday? Catch up with a click and scroll of Wednesday's news, here⬇️

Fairly quiet again overnight. But a couple of stories inside #Russia's borders to highlight

In #Kursk region there were power cuts after reports of shelling in the village of #Tyotkino

Local officials say 5 rockets from #Ukraine hit the electricity substation in the settlement.
Earlier, #Russia claimed a council building was attacked by drones in #Bryansk region.

The Governor said "a UAV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at an administrative building in the town of #Starodub."
There were no casualties.

Read 43 tweets
May 10th 2023
#Ukraine: Today's updates from #UkraineWar: 1. Whoa! RU cracks begin to show. UA Command/#Progozhin both confirm UA advances in #Bakhmut. UA have regained several in the city & routed the 6th/8th companies of RU 72nd brigade in the S. #tweet100
#Ukraine: 2. Following grinding down of Wagner forces over last few months, they were replaced on the #Bakhmut flanks by RU regular forces. UA 3rd Assault engaged RU on SW flank & they ran away, abandoning land Wagner had lost 500 men capturing. #tweet100
#Ukraine: 3. According to UA Azov Commander, Andrey Biletsky, a strip of land 3km long & 2.6km wide in places, has been recaptured in SW #Bakhmut. RU also lost a bridgehead over the Siversky-Donets canal S of the city. #Tweet100 (Maps: @Tendar) ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
May 10th 2023
Wednesday 10 May
Day 441 of this terrible war.
At least #Ukraine has woken relatively peacefully today in contrast to most recent days.

All the news on #Russia's invasion, all day in one thread. If you want to buy me a coffee please see my bio for the link💙💛
So y'day was another violent & busy day as #Russia celebrated Victory Day but with zero victory to salute in its illegal invasion of #Ukraine

More deaths by fire, setbacks in #Bakhmut and #Wagner being labelled terrorists by more countries. Catch up here:
#Russia's losses in the last 24 hours show a marked decrease in he amount of equipment destroyed compared to the recent trend.

However, #Ukraine is killing more and more soldiers as Russians continue kamikaze tactics in #Donetsk with the one resource they have plenty of: people. Image
Read 34 tweets
May 9th 2023
NEW: European Parliament's @EP_PegaInquiry
has issued their final report.

Urges #EuropeanUnion towards stronger regulation. Calls out several abusers.

Good thread on highlights👇 Image
"strategic campaign to destroy media freedom" in 🇭🇺 #Hungary.

"a system for the surveillance of the opposition...designed to keep...the government in power" in 🇵🇱#Poland

The @EP_PegaInquiry PR is not mincing words about #Pegasus #spyware abuses in the 🇪🇺#EU Image
The @EP_PegaInquiry also raises serious questions about spyware abuses in 🇬🇷#Greece & 🇪🇸#Spain.

It's clear: spyware is a European problem. Image
Read 7 tweets
May 9th 2023
Welcome along to the daily thread for Day 440 of the war in #Ukraine

More deadly missile attacks launched in the early hours this morning by #Russia on what is supposed to be one of the sacred days in the calendar, 9 May.
#Russia has no victory to celebrate.

All the news here⬇️
It was another busy day yesterday, a lot of news from the battlefields of #Ukraine and beyond too.

For a catch up on anything you missed on Monday, click and scroll down from this link:

So during the night #Russia launched no fewer than 25 Cruise missiles - but #Ukraine's air defences managed to shoot down 23 of them.

In the first wave 8 Kalibrs were fired from Black Sea ships. Then at 4am 17 Kh-101/555s were fired by ships over the Caspian Sea. Image
Read 41 tweets
May 8th 2023
While #RussiaIsANaziState spent all night bombing us on eve of their 9 May myth, I use that time to deploy truth of this myth because this is all Russia has. Nothing else. Lies. #VictoryDay 🧵
1. Russia exists as nation of stolen cultures, people, achievements. This country is held together by myth of greatness that Russia alone defeated Nazi Germany. As you see even now, they lie about who they are and who everyone else is.
2. Without Russia there would have been no Nazis to defeat and no WWII to end. Russia funded German socialists also known as Nazis and provided resources in exchange for Nazi weapons:
“such as oil, grain, iron and phosphates.”…
Read 22 tweets
May 3rd 2023
Two drones struck over the Kremlin last night, and a third drone hit Kolomna near #Moscow. These hits are far from being a game changer. The #US is incapable of defeating #Russia so it is trying to invite Moscow to kill Zelensky, who is hiding now in #Finland, afraid to return.
It is just an attempt to humiliate #Moscow on social media because these drones caused no physical damage but is an obvious under the belt CIA hit to inflict psychological effect on #Russia and invite it to destroy further #Ukraine.
To my mind, the #US is trying to wipe #Ukraine off the map to distance itself from any commitment; to justify its failure to Europe and the World; to divide Ukraine between #Russia and #Poland, the new centre of Europe where eastern EU nations are more obedient than western EU.
Read 9 tweets
May 2nd 2023
Nine years ago, #RussiaIsANaziState attacked Jews of #Odesa.

Simon Wiesenthal became our map. On 24 February, full scale #RussiaIsANaziState invasion began that included targeting Jews, killing Holocaust survivors, destroying #Holocaust memorials and using Russian
Protocols of Zion propaganda again for another #Holocaust. Except Odesa Jews were ready. It will take lifetime #RussiaIsANaziState does not have to understand what we did to stop them. #RussiaIsANaziState is collapsing. We ensured it.

You Rashists are never killing Jews again.
Not another pogrom Image
Read 15 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
It's Friday already and here is Daily Thread No. 422 covering events in #Ukraine and #Russia's illegal war.

Yesterday was fairly quiet, but if you need to catch up on events, click and scroll here⬇️

First, one big update on this story in #Russia which broke last night.

The Kremlin has actually admitted they bombed themselves in #Belgorod! #FriendlyFire on steroids!

They also admit 2 people were injured when #Russia bombed its own city, #Belgorod.

Look at the first photo - a car blown onto the roof of a supermarket!

The Kremlin says "abnormal derailment of aviation ammunition occurred" from a Su-34 VKS aircraft.

The bomb fell off😅🤡 ImageImageImageImage
Read 19 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
Day 419 of the war in Europe.
#Russia's illegal war & full invasion of #Ukraine.
The day Bunker Boy emerged from his Kremlin bunker!

Yesterday was very interesting with Wagner troops confessing war crimes, more Russian fires, collaborators + more, here⬇️

The scale of the war is difficult to comprehend for those living far away. But @SkyNews brings it to life with this report.

15% (381) of all education establishments in #Ukraine have been damaged or destroyed by #Russia in the first year.
#Russia's President Putin (or at least a lookalike) has appeared in #Ukraine's Occupied Territories.

He is said to have flown into #Kherson region to visit the "Dnepr" Command of troops and then taken a helicopter to the "East" Command in #Luhansk.

Read 26 tweets
Apr 17th 2023
🇵🇱Poland, 🇸🇰Slovakia & 🇭🇺Hungary have banned #grain imports from 🇺🇦Ukraine, saying 🇪🇺EU's freeze of import tariffs to help get Ukraine grain around the world is flooding their markets and hurting their farmers.

But such unilateral trade actions cannot be taken nationally.
Despite these bans being a clear violation of EU law, the 🇪🇺Commission took a soft approach today and wouldn't even say what possible repercussions there could be.

Why? They likely don't want to become a pawn in Polish election politicking.
Poland's hard-right nationalist governing party PiS depends on the farmer and rural vote to maintain power - and there's an election later this year.

🇵🇱farmers have been protesting the Ukrainian grain influx (which has drastically lowered prices) and the Ag minister resigned.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
This is the start of Sunday's daily thread covering all the news, and all you need to know, about #Ukraine's battle for survival against the full invasion by #Russia.

Updated in real time, throughout the day, scroll, share, like and reply to help beat Twitter Ukraine bans!
If you can spare any loose change for a coffee to support my work, there's a Ko-Fi link in my bio, thanks.

And if you need a catch up on yesterday's news, here's the link for the start of Saturday's thread.

So it's Day 417 of the war, and I have to say "Khrystos Voskres" (Christ Is Risen) or "Happy Easter" to all my readers from #Ukraine - and indeed #Russia if they are in the minority which opposes war.
The same wishes to all Orthodox believers celebrating Easter today.
Read 39 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
This simple play book is all one has to remember and execute on, get in alignment for each cycle....multiple bottoms incoming. Focus and control ones emotions, understanding reversion to mean whether down 95% (>8x return if < 0.5x 2026 CF) or 97.5% (>16x if <0.25)
Finding despondent sellers is easy....

#uranium sector as many have taken 60% bath from 2021 highs, 10-30% further downside possible

#crypto bros in Dec 2022

#REIT's where dividends go to zero and are in refinancing stress

#regionalbanks when under intense bank run news flow
#homebuilders when selling prices move to negative gross margins to move stock

#autodealers with negative gross margins

#Pakistan on political and economic uncertainty

#Poland on war uncertainty

#Brazil on economic uncertainty
Read 3 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
And so begins Day 416 of the wretched war.
Bloodthirsty #Russia continues its illegal assault and attempt to destroy #Ukraine.

You've found the start of another daily thread with all the news.

As I'm search/shadowbanned please reply to this (write anything) and retweet to help!
Friday was quite a busy one, unfortunately the news led by another Terrorist Attack by #Russia.

But there was also the surprise of seeing Prigozhin call for an end to the war, and lots more interesting stuff.

Catch up here:

The #UK thinks #Russia's new laws on being able to deliver call-ups via email or text, indicate the Kremlin is preparing for a long war in #Ukraine.

This concurs with most experts' views as the invaders continue to build defences in the Occupied Territories. Image
Read 25 tweets

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