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I help you become better at marketing. & more!

Nov 16, 2021, 7 tweets

5 Steps To Reduce Churn Rate šŸ§µ
#SaaS #MarketingTips

#1. Make sure users are consuming the product. Monitor their progress and hold them accountable!

@AppSumo 's Email To reduce churn for new customers

See full email here:ā€¦

#2. Monthly "VALUE" webinar/ live calls

People want to feel belonging to the community, what i do is hold a live webinar once a month to talk about new ways to use the product, client showcase, upcoming features etc

#3. Create Brand Attachment

I send out stickers and phone holders with our logo and offer another incentive for tagging photos of them using it to create attachments to our brand. This will also generate referrals.

#4. Visualize The Progress /Dashboard

Visualize users' progress and show them how far they have come in visual graphs, this will help them know where they need to get.

#5. Use Notification as dopamine drops

When they do something "good" on your platform. Tell them about it! This could be a notification email, or a compliment if you are in the service industry. @bjfogg 's behavior grid is a goldmine.

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