Satish Gaire 😈 Profile picture
I help you become better at marketing. & more!
Satish Gaire 😈 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 10, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Stop 🛑 Wasting your time selling logos on Fiverr.

I am going to show you 5 UNIQUE things that you can sell on Fiverr without any skills. 🧵 #1. Email Marketing

What you will do: You will write email sequences or an email blast for people. Most of your job would be to use the "AIDA" formula to write these emails.
You can also pretty much copy/paste already written emails here:
Jan 9, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
6 Copywriting Tips From Apple 🍎 🧵 #1. One Idea At A Time

Each year, Apple focuses on ONE thing. 2020-21 was all about camera, being able to take cinematic photos/videos with a phone.
Jan 8, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Copywriting is one of the MOST valuable Skill that could change your life, career, and business.

Here are 8 Tips To Help You Master Copywriting: 🧵 1. Headline / Big Claim

Make sure your headline is short to the point and a claim that's going to get people's attention.
Nov 27, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
⛔️ I HATED Reading BOOKS!

Now I read 1 book a week, here are 8 book reading habits that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!

⬇️ 🧵 Thread... #1. You don't have to read the entire book. Sometimes, I know the point and i mark it "read"
Nov 26, 2021 14 tweets 5 min read
Chipotle Ad Explained 🧵 (Thread) #Chipotle
I eat chipotle often so, I have that extra "vision" that only true fans have. 👀

I will show you where chipotle's ad SCRWED UP making people feel confused.

Let's Breakdown their Ad⬇️ #1. Take a deep breath. Farmer dad doesn't die. Let's go to next tweet below..⬇️ Image
Nov 23, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
🤖 Ask people "What is blockchain?" and they will tell you about "Bitcoins" That's nonsense!

Here's how I explain Blockchain to my non-tech friends. 🧵 (Thread) ⬇️ #blockchain Simply put, " Blockchain is PUBLIC Ledger" Let me explain. ⬇️
Nov 23, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
7 Things I Gave Up That Changed My Life 🧵 (Thread) Trigger warning: Some of these opinions are unpopular #1. I gave up Vitamins. Tbh, I was taking vitamins for everything. D, B12,P100 something, Magnesium etc I felt like i was on "crutches". Humans before us didn't take vitamins,we will be fine without it.
Nov 18, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
16 Ways To INSTANTLY Boost Conversion 🧵
#Marketing #1. Install Google Analytics on your site! do it now!

Idk why i even have this on the list but you really need to gather data before we can improve conversion. Extra points if you are doing A/B testings and adding heatmaps etc
Nov 16, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
5 Steps To Reduce Churn Rate 🧵
#SaaS #MarketingTips #1. Make sure users are consuming the product. Monitor their progress and hold them accountable!

@AppSumo 's Email To reduce churn for new customers

See full email here:…
Nov 16, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
8 UNIQUE Ways To Generate Leads That You Probably haven't tried & you must. 🧵

#Marketing #leadgeneration #StartupSpace #sidehustle #1. Quora

Quora is a goldmine for those who know how to use it. If your customers are searching " What, How, Which and Why" questions, I can bet that quora is on the first page of google with an answer. Respond with an interesting image and example & of-course lead them.