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Nov 17, 2021, 28 tweets

Bored Elon began his Twitter journey as a parody account of @elonmusk. Eventually, he built up a separate identity and became known in the #NFT space

In this episode of the Metaverse podcast, @jamie247 speaks with @BoredElonMusk on a variety of topics

Read on 👇

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk Background

🔹 One of the most outsized influencers in the NFT space
🔹 @rarible collection:
🔸 Created 700
🔸 Owned 1700
🔹 Would come up with concepts and work with designers & artists to create something together

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible 🔹 Would split the profits 50/50
🔹 Acted as a gallerist, providing visibility to artists 🎨
🔹 Took his winnings into other investments, startups, and #DeFi

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible Investing in art 🎨

🔹 The visuals are not always the most important. It's the story that the artist tells
🔹 Dabbling in art made him curious to invest in other projects
🔹 When @BoredApeYC launched, he thought it was a really clever story

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC 🔹 Liked the universe they were building and bought 14 of them
🔹 Still holding on to them today
🔹 Ended up cementing his branding with the term "bored" in front of his name

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC Bored Ape Yacht Club

🔹 A web country club
🔹 Enjoys their storytelling aspect. They provided enough of a framework for their universe without creating too much guardrails
🔹 A project can be completely open-ended and that could lead to paralysis/project not going anywhere

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC 🔹 On the flip side, players might get bored with a linear video game that tells them exactly what to do
🔹 @BoredApeYC created little nuggets of information that tell the story about these apes but also allow the community to expand on the universe themselves

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC Who is Bored Elon?

🔹 Modeled Bored Elon off @DavidBowieReal
🔹David Bowie was hard to describe — he is an artist, he is a singer, and he dabbles in a lot of things
🔹 Bored Elon started off as a joke, as a caricature of a billionaire genius

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal 🔹 It evolved into someone who dabbles in a lot of different places today — game design, investing, #NFTs, etc.
🔹 Was a parody of Elon for the first couple of years. Eventually, it started to become its own identity
🔹 Have a comms and marketing background in the games industry

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal Getting into crypto

🔹 Got into crypto in 2013 because he was frustrated with the difficulty of sending money to people around the world
🔹 Experimented with $BTC and $XLM
🔹 Had a pause from 2015 to 2018
🔹 Returned to crypto when he saw more utility

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal His recent tweet

🔹 Recently tweeted that decentralized social media will be a wild west as opposed to centralized media, which will be literally nothing
🔹 However, he has built his brand through centralized social media
🔹 His tweet was a dig at Facebook

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal 🔹 Knows that Twitter is his biggest distribution mechanism. If they shut him down, it would be a huge blow to him
🔹 Appreciative of the opportunities enabled by Twitter but have a sense of dread that he does not have control over the community he has built

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal When Bored Jack?

🔹 @jack is tweeting as if he already has the Bored Jack name
🔹 Twitter is moving faster than other social platforms
🔹 They have already introduced $BTC payment features and will soon introduce NFT-based profile pictures

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack Is deplatforming a concern?

🔹 His content is fairly light
🔹 Does not get into anything controversial
🔹 Helps that @jack is following him
🔹 In the process of diversifying his distribution channels through email subscribers, Discord channels, Instagram, etc.

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack TikTok & NFTs

🔹 TikTok as a massive driver of culture. Played a huge role when it comes to stock volatility for stocks like GameStop and AMC
🔹 Can translate that type of fervour to #NFTs
🔹 TikTok has a Chinese backer. Was surprised that they ventured into NFTs 😮

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack His investments

🔹 @OlympusDAO
🔹 @mineCityCoins
🔹 #NFTs
🔹 Startups that are focused on decentralized identity, communication, and gaming

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins CityCoins

🔹 A combination of generating wealth but also doing good for local cities 🏙️
🔹 Built on the @Stacks Network, a layer 1.5 on top of Bitcoin
🔹 When a CityCoin gets mined, 70% goes to the miners and the remaining 30% goes to a particular city 🏙️

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks 🔹 The 30% will sit there until the mayor of a particular city claims it
🔹 Mayor @FrancisSuarez of Miami did opt to claim the wallet 💪💪💪
🔹 Crypto can be used to generate money and allocated to cities that have done a good job in running things

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks @FrancisSuarez Involvement in #DAOs

🔹 Group of people putting in money to acquire a high value NFT such as a Bored Ape or a Punk
🔹 The group can then say they own part of a Bored Ape or CryptoPunk and be part of a little club

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks @FrancisSuarez @prtyDAO SyndicateDAO

🔹 Helps founders & creators spin up businesses and raise money to invest in other businesses 💰
🔹 @SyndicateDAO is making great progress 👍
🔹 Besides community investors such as himself, they have raise money from @a16z and many other prominent investors

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks @FrancisSuarez @prtyDAO @SyndicateDAO @a16z MetaMars

🔹 A metaverse
🔹 A combination of blockchain, gaming, DeFi, & NFTs
🔹 Currently, it is a private Discord. Owners of a particular NFT called the Mars coin can access it
🔹 MetaMars is going to be an online arcade that features classic arcade games with a Martian spin

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks @FrancisSuarez @prtyDAO @SyndicateDAO @a16z 🔹 To play the games, players have to deposit a certain amount of $ETH. This $ETH will be earning yield
🔹 The top-scoring players in a given week/month will be going to win the entire pool
🔹 Inspired by the @PoolTogether_ concept

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks @FrancisSuarez @prtyDAO @SyndicateDAO @a16z @PoolTogether_ "So for anyone who's heard of PoolTogether, that's essentially what MetaMars is going to be. You play games, you have fun, when you're done, you get all your money back. But if you're really good, you're also going to get a prize on top of that."

- Bored Elon

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks @FrancisSuarez @prtyDAO @SyndicateDAO @a16z @PoolTogether_ 🔹 Will be launching with 4-5 games
🔹 Their plan is to act as a gateway to other people's games
🔹 Confident that they will reveal an early version of MetaMars in spring to summer next year 👀

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks @FrancisSuarez @prtyDAO @SyndicateDAO @a16z @PoolTogether_ Gen Z Sentiment

🔹 Jamie shared about a Gen Z founder whose whole pitch revolves around the pointlessness of saving as their generation is not able to gain any meaningful form of income
🔹 Hence, the trend towards gambling

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks @FrancisSuarez @prtyDAO @SyndicateDAO @a16z @PoolTogether_ 🔹 Bored Elon responded that that sentiment around Gen Z is valid. It has become an "all or nothing" for this generation and crypto is providing the younger generation with a way to leapfrog the traditional path
🔹 Will lead to a more egalitarian society than the current system

@elonmusk @jamie247 @BoredElonMusk @rarible @BoredApeYC @DavidBowieReal @jack @OlympusDAO @mineCityCoins @Stacks @FrancisSuarez @prtyDAO @SyndicateDAO @a16z @PoolTogether_ This podcast summary was thoughtfully prepared by @The_ReadingApe. They specialise in content creation in the crypto space, including podcast summaries.

You can check out the podcast this write up is based on here: outlierventures.io/podcast-overvi…

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