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Job: Data-Driven Strategist. Side Job: Commentator on US Politics/Economics. Gig: MC & Speeches. Created: #EconomicStressIndex.

Nov 21, 2021, 16 tweets

Hi @JerryNadler. Your tweet about the case is rooted in fake news and misinformation as seen from this CNN, yes, CNN, segment. They set the record straight on things that most @HouseDemocrats have no clue happened or did not happen.

Same goes for @SenateDems.

Most Lefties commenting on the #RittenhouseVerdict seem to think that he killed minorities; and/or that he killed people at random. Basic facts are missing thanks and because our disinfo-spreading national media has again done a partisan job, same as the Dossier and COVID-19.

For all the talk about “COVID-19 disinformation” and “C19 vaccine information,” so much of it comes from vaccine fanatics and lockdown Dems in media and in politics.

In fact, many tweets from the CDC Director alone is contradicted by data released by, wait for it, the CDC!

Here is an example. “protect against severe #COVID19 complications.”

More than half of very recent C19 deaths in VT are among vaxxed and the same goes for +25% in Michigan.

Accurate term would be that it “HELPS protect” against, or “reduces the chance” of C19 complications.

Here is another one, on a large scale: Instead of saying that immunity crashes by the six month mark and you should therefore get a booster of age 18+, the CDC and its director are saying you “may” get one and that are “eligible” for one; as if it’s a candy or a social program.

As someone recently pointed out, gov officials are trying the balancing act of telling you that C19 vaccines hold long while also telling you that its immunity crashes so go get a booster after 6 months.

The above tweets from the CDC & its director try to pull off this balance.

See the 11/16/21 release from Michigan of its last 30 days.

See the bottom left side that “149 (24%) of 622 deaths were among fully vaccined individuals.”

In some recent weeks it was 29%.

CDC Director’s tweet above is therefore misinformation.


Focus please on those numbers from MI. The left chart is data through July; the other is through early November.

In those 3+ months, MI added 2,816 Coronavirus deaths of which 698 (24.7%) were among the vaccinated, and those 698 deaths are 73.9% of all MI’s vaxxed COVID deaths.

The word games continue:

Fauci this AM says “when there is lack of clarity people get confused”… If you are 18+ fully vaccinated with Moderna or Pfizer 6 months ago, get a booster. “I don’t think we should get hung up on ‘should/may’; just go out and get boosted.”


Clearly, @DanaBashCNN caught on to the CDC langue that people “may” get a booster so she asked Fauci if people MAY get one or SHOULD get one. He implores people to get one but says “I don’t think we should get hung up on ‘should/may.’

Doc, should get vs may get is a BIG diff!

Fauci and @CDCDirector have both said that immunity tanks by the 6th month but hammering this will undercut the buzzword that the vaccine holds and they want people boosted due to immunity crashing.

What to do?

Word games: Get boosted and forget about may/should get a boost.

If people are told they SHOULD get a booster it means immunity from the original shots crashed and if this becomes widely known, people who are not vaccinated will probably not rush to get it and many won’t rush into boosters either thinking that immunity will anyway tank soon.

In its mid-August update (healthvermont.gov/sites/default/…) State of VT had only 8 breakthrough deaths; that’s vaccinated people having died with Coronavirus.

Latest update (healthvermont.gov/sites/default/…) the total rose to 85.

Basically, 94.1% of breakthrough deaths happened last 3 months.

🚨 🚨 🚨 In the last 3 months of data through Nov 17th, state of VT added 132 Coronavirus deaths of which 77 (58.3%) were breakthrough deaths (Coronavirus deaths among the vaccined).

Data is available between the state’s website 🔺and from World Meters🔻


🚨 🚨 🚨 Vermont’s 7-day average of new Coronavirus deaths a few days ago was highest it has ever been and almost double the previous high reached in April.

VT has now the second-best C19 vaccine rate.

MA is best, but new case levels mirror the levels on same dates last year.

🚨 🚨 🚨 State of VT had now its two worst weeks of breakthrough cases; that’s COVID cases among the vaxxed.

Yet Biden’s mandate says only unvaccinated need to test. Canada lets vaccinated citizens return from short trips to the US without a negative test.

Science deniers.

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