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Nov 21, 2021, 7 tweets

just about 1 year after the 2001 anthrax attacks
#Newsweek magazine runs a cover:

Operation Smallpox, Inside the Emergency Plan to Innoculate Every American

check out the entire scanned article in this thread (cont)

October 2002 #Newsweek article about #smallpox bioterrorism and the plan to vaccinate every American in the event of a smallpox virus attack


'The Team' designated to head this smallpox bioterrorism prevention plan included NIAID head Dr. Anthony Fauci, Jerome Hauer (Kroll, SAIC) & HHS head Tommy Thompson


'How the Virus Works', a neat looking diagram about how smallpox infects the human body w/incubation/infection timeline, as well as a breakdown of the 'New Plan' to vaccinate Americans


the article incorrectly states that people innoculated from smallpox before 1972 may still have protection even though studies conducted in mid-2002 (before this article came out) already showed that to be false


a big part of the fear mongering of smallpox 'bioterrorism' was the that the USSR allegedly made hundreds of tons to stockpile as a weapon and those stockpiles went missing... the newest 2021 story about smallpox vials found in a friddge? they all mention Russia's old stockpiles

if you'd like to obtain this entire #Newsweek #smallpox magazine from Oct 2002 in searchable txt PDF format, grab it here:

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