just about 1 year after the 2001 anthrax attacks #Newsweek magazine runs a cover:
Operation Smallpox, Inside the Emergency Plan to Innoculate Every American
check out the entire scanned article in this thread (cont)
October 2002 #Newsweek article about #smallpox bioterrorism and the plan to vaccinate every American in the event of a smallpox virus attack
'The Team' designated to head this smallpox bioterrorism prevention plan included NIAID head Dr. Anthony Fauci, Jerome Hauer (Kroll, SAIC) & HHS head Tommy Thompson
'How the Virus Works', a neat looking diagram about how smallpox infects the human body w/incubation/infection timeline, as well as a breakdown of the 'New Plan' to vaccinate Americans
the article incorrectly states that people innoculated from smallpox before 1972 may still have protection even though studies conducted in mid-2002 (before this article came out) already showed that to be false
a big part of the fear mongering of smallpox 'bioterrorism' was the that the USSR allegedly made hundreds of tons to stockpile as a weapon and those stockpiles went missing... the newest 2021 story about smallpox vials found in a friddge? they all mention Russia's old stockpiles
it is very surreal that I'm the only one doing a count, but here it is : Trump hired 2 members of PNAC on his campaign transition team in 2016, Frank Gaffney and James Woolsey, 1 additional PNAC'r Michael Ledeen was heavily rumored to be on the team but never officially confirmed, Trump hired at least 3 more PNAC neocons into the actual admin: John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Zalmay Khalilzad, it was widely reported in msm that Paula Dobriansky also a PNAC member was working in some capacity in the Trump admin. Even if we don't count the rumored/unofficial PNAC Trump appointments, that still leaves *5* PNAC neocons *officially* hired into the Trump administration
so when people claim that Trump is 'anti neocon' or that the 'neocons tried to stop Trump' they are either deeply misinformed or outright lying to you, these are PNAC neocons, some of the most dangerous and insane war hawks on this planet. the 'neocons' are not a monolith like some would have you believe, in fact it was about 2007 when the first major PNAC split occured, and it was probably just branding not actually what they really believed, after 2007 only certain neocons continued to talk about attacking or nuking Iran and certain neocons refused to talk about it or even act like they were against it (see John Kay of the Foundation For Defense of Democracies)
oh and maybe some people have forgotten but Donald Trump also pardoned PNAC neocon Scooter Libby
feel like Zero Hedge should disclose to their paying subsribers that they aggregate PNAC John Bolton's neocon Gatestone Institute content on a regular basis, seems like they wanted to omit that outlet from what they 'read' listed on the left
Tyler Durden being a full on neocon cucked mother fucker
i don't know about you but I find it very fucking sus and very alarming that literal PNAC and PNAC-adjacent figures have managed to sneak their way into alt media almost completely unchecked, Infowars also aggregates Gatestone
its still incredibly hard to process the Stephen King acting in the last vignette of Creepshow where he plays a solo lonely moron in a cabin in the woods dressed like a Looney Toons bad guy character who touches a dangerous asteroid
its just crazy to imagine being on set and spending this much time filming what is essentially a very high budget practical effects heavy Stephen King monologue with acting this awful, the vibe is so off putting it nearly ruins the entire movie
compared to the amazing Ted Danson VS Leslie Nielsen noir-horror opening its a real tragegy this abominable ridiculously bad Stephen King scene end caps the film