Robert ₿reedlove Profile picture
Freedom Maximalist. #Bitcoin. Creator of the "What is Money?" Show: a podcast about Wisdom, Intelligence, and Meaning. (reposts ≠ endorsements)

Nov 21, 2021, 9 tweets

In celebration of November 21st, The @WhatisMoneyShow is releasing the Pysh Series (6 episodes total) all at once, today. In The Pysh Series, @PrestonPysh and I explore two books:

1. The Brain by David Eagleman

2. The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

Episode thread⬇️

Ep. 1: Money as an Extension of Mind

Ep. 2: Money and Memory

Ep. 3: The Schizophrenia of Fiat

Ep. 4: Meta-Intelligence

Ep. 5: How Intention Shapes Reality

Ep. 6: Money, Power, and Soul

Preston and I took some real thematic risks producing this series, as it deviates significantly from "traditional #Bitcoin content."

We welcome your feedback, and I encourage people to remix snippets of this series into clips, memes, or other media assets which I will amplify!!

If this style of series release resonates with everyone, I will strive to do something similar on the 21st of each month going forward, in celebration of 21M #Bitcoin as the motif for a 21st century digital renaissance.

Now, let's go orange-pill humanity!!!

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