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Dec 8, 2021, 18 tweets

Monetary policy committee keeps key policy rates unchanged, stance maintained at accommodative, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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Recovery of aggregate demand hinges on private investment which is still lagging, says RBI Governor Das. #RBIPolicy

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Recent reduction in excise duty and state VAT on auto fuels should support consumption demand, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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Significant deleveraging of corporate balance sheets, amidst congenial monetary and financial conditions, says Shaktikanta Das. #RBIPolicy

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Downside risks to growth outlook have risen with emergence of #Omicron variant of #Covid virus, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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Projection for real #GDP growth in FY22 is retained at 9.5%, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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Persistence of high core inflation since June 2020 is an area of policy concern, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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Over the rest of FY22, inflation prints are likely to be somewhat higher as base effects turn higher, says Shaktikanta Das. #RBIPolicy

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CPI inflation projected at 5.3% for FY22, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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Price stability remains the cardinal principle of monetary policy, says Shaktikanta Das. #RBIPolicy

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Considerable uncertainty on global growth-inflation dynamics in immediate months, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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Propose to enhance 14 day VRRR auction, re-establish it as the main liquidity management operation, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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To provide banks with one more option to pre-pay outstanding funds availed through TLTRO 1.0 and 2.0 schemes, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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With use of MSF window rare, propose to return to normal dispensation, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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RBI enhances operational flexibility for banks operating their overseas subsidiaries, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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Propose to launch UPI-based payment products for feature phone users, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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RBI issuing guidelines for use of alternative reference rate for ECBs, in transition away from LIBOR, says Governor Shaktikanta Das. #RBIPolicy

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Global monetary policy is reaching an inflection point, keeping financial markets edgy, says RBI governor. #RBIPolicy

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