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Dec 9, 2021, 12 tweets

Martin Friede, WHO

1. The mRNA technology transfer hub in Africa forms part of a larger plan to make #vaccines more available in less developed countries
2. The hub forms part of the last arm of the strategy: "to initiate regional health security via vaccine production"

2. The #COVAX manufacturing taskforce has 3 workstreams that address different needs. The #mRNAHub falls under workstream 3. The aim = to improve the nr of Africa companies that can make vaccines.

3. Many issues had to be considered when setting up the hub. For instance, how they will deal with IP rights, regulatory issues (how jabs will be approved in countries), funding and how clinical trials will be conducted.

4. SA will play a central role in the #mRNAHub. A SA company, Afrigen, will develop the continent's 1st locally produced mRNA jab (they'll be the hub). Another SA company, Biovac, will then manufacture the jab (Biovac will show them how, so do tech transfer. Biovac = a spoke).

5. Here's the timeline for the development of the #mRNAHub. The project was announced in April.
40 countries have so far indicated that they would like to receive tech transfer for the mRNA #COVID19 vaccine that the hub is developing.

6. The initial vaccine for the Africa #mRNAHub will be for #COVID (there will be hubs in other regions too, e.g. Latin America) . But the longterm goal is to develop the capacity to also produce non-mRNA vaccines and also jabs for other illnesses (so not just COVID).

7. How are decisions made for the Africa #mRNHub? The WHO makes the decisions and they are advised by various committees and structures.

8. This is the timeline for the development and production of the mRNA jab the hub will produce. The current goal is for Biovac to start with commercial production in quarter 2 (April- June) of 2023.

9. How will the SA hub be governed? There will be a (WHO) secretariat, a steering committee and a funders forum.

10. What is the budget for the SA hub?
1. Setting up of the hub (Afrigen): 55 mil Euros
2. Setting of the spoke (Biovac): 42 mil Euros
3. Development of local innovation 27 mil Euros

Total budget = 92 mil Euros (2021-2026)

11. Where do the funds for the #mRNAHub come from and how much money been secured?
- 50%+ of the money has been raised
- Donors: France, Canada (confirmed), Elma Foundation, KFW Development Bank (not yet confirmed)

12. There is still a 28mil to 40 mil Euros funding gap for the 92 mil Euros budget of the #mRNAHub.

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