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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

Dec 9, 2021, 7 tweets

Breaking: Alissa Eleanor Azar, 30, an #antifa member who has attended most of the far-left riots in the Portland-area, was indicted for felony rioting, use of tear gas/mace & more for her alleged role in attacking people in Oregon City. She's scheduled to be arraigned today.

The indictment of Alissa Azar happened by grand jury in Clackamas County, which is next to Portland and most significantly, has a different district attorney (John Wentworth). Her previous criminal riot-related case in Portland was dropped by the Multnomah County DA.

Alissa Azar is one of many self-identified journalists allegedly involved in far-left criminality. The "IWW Freelance Journalists Union" welcomes far-left militants to self-identify as journalists. They instruct them not to report out news that could implicate "comrades."

Portland #antifa members are furious their comrade Alissa Eleanor Azar was indicted by a @clackamascounty grand jury because of video evidence capturing Azar rushing in to assault a woman. According to Darrel Kimberlin, Azar is upset the video was

Violent Portland #antifa member Alissa Azar has posted about her indictment, which she sought to keep secret. She asks for money & says she'll open up a crowdfunding page. She also shared her @PatreonSupport. The account appears to post content from the riots she participates in.

Breaking: Portland #Antifa member Alissa Azar started a @FundRazr campaign to crowdfund legal fees for her criminal case where she is accused of violent crimes. The campaign has been suspended by FundRazr because it violated the terms of service.

After @AlissaAzar’s first @FundRazr campaign was shut down for violating the terms of service (she blamed fascists), she opened up a second campaign. It has now also been shut down.

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