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Dec 11, 2021, 28 tweets

It's #UHCDay!

The #COVID19 pandemic emphasized and exacerbated health inequities around the 🌍 . WHO calls on governments, donors and leaders to prioritize 👇

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On #UHCDay, we must remind everyone that it's not just #COVID19 that’s killing people. It's:
-lack of access
-years of living with health conditions that haven't been properly managed because of their skin colour, ethnicity, or social group

We all have different health needs, but our right to health is the same. Health systems must be ready to provide the full spectrum of
services based on our needs, not our ability to pay.
That means #HealthForAll!

WHO/@WorldBank report on progress towards #HealthForAll reveals that more than half a billion people were being pushed into poverty due to health care costs and disruption in health services even before the #COVID19 pandemic #UHCDay

@WorldBank In 2020, as a result of disruption of health services due to the #COVID19 pandemic:
- immunization coverage dropped for the first time in 10 years
- deaths from tuberculosis and malaria increased #UHCDay

@WorldBank Prior to the #COVID19 pandemic, 7 out of 10 people were covered by essential health services, such as:
-pre- and post-natal care
-reproductive health services
-treatment for HIV, TB and malaria
-services to #BeatNCDs

@WorldBank The #COVID19 pandemic has made it increasingly difficult for people to pay for care. Even before the pandemic, half a billion people were being pushed into extreme poverty as they had to pay for health care out of their own pockets. #UHCday

WHO/@WorldBank report reveals that even prior to the #COVID19 pandemic, up to 90% of all households incurring out-of-pocket health spending were already at or below the poverty line. #UHCDay

@WorldBank To achieve #HealthForAll, countries must:
-prioritize services for poor & vulnerable populations
-ensure targeted public spending & policies that protect individuals from financial hardship
-improve collection and timeliness of health data so we know where the greatest needs are

#HealthForAll can’t wait.
#COVID19 is undermining 20 years of valuable global health progress. It’s also disproportionately affecting people facing poverty, older people and those with multiple health problems.


To make #HealthForAll a reality, we need effective #PrimaryHealthCare. This is how we can protect everyone from health threats and emerge stronger from #COVID19.

We must act NOW to bring health services closer to people.


Investing in strong #PrimaryHealthCare is one of the best ways to:
-Help people lead the healthiest lives possible
-If they get sick, provide the right care, at the right time, right in their communities.

It's time for #HealthForAll


To protect everyone from health emergencies, we need health systems that:
✅ empower people and communities
✅ provide quality primary care to everyone
✅ ensure that essential public health services continue

#HealthForAll #UHCDay

#Selfcare interventions can help transform health systems and accelerate progress towards #HealthForAll by:
✅Reducing inefficiencies in health expenditure
✅Improving health coverage
✅Increasing people’s agency and autonomy to manage their health

#PrimaryHealthCare provides the first line of defence and response to keep people safe and healthy by strengthening:
🔹health service delivery
🔹essential public health functions
🔹emergency risk management
and by involving communities in decisions about their own health.

#COVID19 is magnifying the consequences of neglecting the inequities that divide us. Building a fairer, healthier world where everyone can get the health care they need without falling into financial hardship relies on investments in #PrimaryHealthCare.


The Occupied Palestinian Territory is transforming its hospital sector effectively with its focus on #PrimaryHealthCare, to ensure that patients receive compassionate care, responsive to their needs.

#HealthForAll #UHCDay

Read about Lao People’s Democratic Republic's major steps to deliver #mentalhealth care nationwide as part of a long-term health strategy.

#HealthForAll #UHCDay

Access to accurate information is essential to achieve #HealthForAll. Here's how Kenya has effectively addressed vaccine hesitancy and misinformation through advocacy, risk communication and social mobilization:


Noncommunicable diseases kill over 40 million people each year. This is how Trinidad and Tobago are empowering and equipping communities to take charge of their health and #BeatNCDs:

#HealthForAll #UHCDay

When #COVID19 struck and overwhelmed the health system in Bangladesh, community health workers ensured that essential services continued through a community clinic for every 6000 people:

#HealthForAll #UHCDay

@WHOSEARO @EU_Commission @GermanyDiplo @francediplo @LuxembourgLU @BelgiumMFA @FCDOGovUK @CanadaFP @dfatirl @MofaJapan_en #PrimaryHealthCare is key to addressing health inequities. Here is how Azerbaijan strengthened its health workforce so that rural communities can access the services they need and are not left behind in #COVID19 response and vaccination efforts: #UHCDay

On #UHCDay- see how Global Action Plan for Health and Well-being for All partners are working jointly to strengthen #PrimaryHealthCare and support an equitable and resilient recovery from the pandemic. Together, for #HealthForAll!

#HealthForAll is everybody’s right, including refugees and migrants. Governments and societies need to support refugees’ and migrants’ rights and include their needs in the universal health coverage plans. #UHCDay

#HealthForAll means that healthcare is accessible to everyone, regardless of their legal status, everywhere any time, in their country of origin, transit and destination. #UHCDay

#HealthForAll promotes and protects our:
✅ livelihoods
🛒 businesses
📈 economies
👩‍🎓 education
⚖️ gender equality
🕊️ peace
♻️ sustainability
🌴 the environment
& more.

With strong political will, every country —rich or poor—can build strong, equitable health systems that leave no one behind.

It`s time for #HealthForAll.

👨‍👴👷👩‍🍳 #HealthForAll 👩‍🚀👩‍👦👳👱‍♀️

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