Eric Feigl-Ding Profile picture
Epidemiologist & health economist. Public health early warnings. Faculty @NECSI. Fmr 16 years @Harvard. Short story: Early bio:

Dec 15, 2021, 10 tweets

📍The coronavirus is airborne. Very airborne. Even if you don’t see anyone—doesn’t mean the aerosols aren’t in the air. WATCH📺

➡️ you need high quality N95 / KN95 / KF94 / FFP2/ FFP3 masks.

➡️ also please ventilate, get HEPA filters, get upper room UV.

2) VENTILATION is key. Both ventilation and masks needed to reduce risk indoors. But most buildings not ventilated well enough.


“Until we recognise that #COVID19 is airborne we are setting ourselves up for repeated failure”

4) How is aerosol different from large droplets? aerosol study indicates that coronavirus is persistent and stable for many hours. Typical air exchange every 20 min to 4 hrs, depending on ventilation. #COVID19

5) Now that aerosol transmission of the coronavirus is established, we need to disperse aerosols quickly. Key is ventilation. 🇯🇵 assumed it was airborne from the beginning. Here is how to ventilate your school classrooms if unable to open window. #COVID19

6) One neat trick about masks… they are AGNOSTIC / DON’T CARE about which variant it is! #Omicron resilient! Cool eh? #MaskUp

7) not only is it airborne, but #Omicron also is 70x faster in viral replication in your windpipe! Seriously - any small dose could yield a much faster infection. 👇

8) Lots of blame to go around, but the IPC department of the WHO deserves a lot of blame according to aerosol expert @jljcolorado below 👇…

9) Also, while airplanes do have good HEPA filters — they aren’t running when parked at the gate! And if you know how long delays and boarding time can be, I think this is a serious issue. People need to definitely masks on planes.

10) AIRBORNE transmission in a hotel — look 👀 how the virus floated across the hallways to two other rooms and cross infected them without any direct contact. We only know about it because of security cameras recoding brief door openings—that carried an wind 💨 draft. 👇

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