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Dec 19, 2021, 8 tweets

Dec 18th Boston #FreeAssange rally Fresh Pond Mall, Cambridge.
Great turnout despite rain, sleet and snow! Supporters' speeches, and handouts distributed.
Lots of honks and thumbs up!
#MerrickGarland #DropTheCharges
Thread 👇

"Assange stuck his neck out & released the Iraq War Logs, Afghan Diaries, Guantanamo Files..& he is paying the consequences.He had a stroke in prison..he is in frail health..if he dies, it will be on the @JoeBiden administration.
Susan McLucas Co-organizer #AssangeDefenseBoston

"Assange shouldn't be under the jurisdiction of the US at all. He's not an American citizen, he didn't do any of his work publishing in the US, & yet somehow he's the one who's threatened. The threat is that any of us who publish info might be prosecuted." Jeanne Winner, activist

"Julian Assange is in prison having committed no crime. What is his crime? They say he gave info to the enemy. Actually he gave the info to the news media which has promulgated this info to the US people. Does that mean that the US people are the enemy?" Joe Kebartas @VFPNational

"We are standing by and watching the slow execution of this peaceful journalist who believes in the 1st Amendment more than our govt does...It's not too late for AG #MerrickGarland @TheJusticeDept to step in & say enough is enough." @Plucille54 Co-organizer #AssangeDefenseBoston

"It has to be kept in mind that the whole process [of #AssangeCase] is totally illegal in reference to the actual extradition treaty that exists betw the US & UK. Extradition does not encompass political they're refusing to recognize that." Victor Wallis, Activist

"The whole[extradition appeal]process in Britain could go on for a very long time..only decent thing at this point since the British arraignment is totally corrupt is for the US to #DropTheCharges against Assange. That's the pressure we have to make in this country" Victor Wallis

"Assange was the messenger who revealed the vast system of assassination & torture which was going on in Iraq...that's why they hate him so much...they have a legal conspiracy betw England, Sweden & US to publicly torture this man by the security state" James Van Looy, Activist

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