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On a mission to retire millions of people with crypto! Private for a bit, big things coming πŸ‘€ Crypto is high-risk. Tweets are not intended for UK residents!

Dec 24, 2021, 8 tweets

1/ As 2021 draws to a close, I think it's fun to look back at some of me WORST performing #crypto trades of the year.

2021 has been a life changing year for me, but it wasn't all wins all the time.

I took some truly disastrous trades, and here they are.

2/ Let's start with the right shit show that was $BUNNY. Mix a dash of incompetence with a lot of $BTC crash, and you've got a recipe for -99%.

That is 5 figures I'll never see again.

Even if it rises from the ashes, it won't rise back to 500 from its current 1.20.

3/ $SLP isn't bad, it's part of the $AXS #metaverse, but man did I cock this one up.

I thought 1 by EOY was realistic and here we are at .03

I also didn't take partial profit when I should have. Serves me right for breaking rules.

4/ Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, and I'm a dumbass that deserves to lose her money.

Mound the team who made $BUNNY created $MND post-hack as part of their recovery plan. I believed in them and bought another 5 figures πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ

Could be worse, I could still be holding

5/ $STC Student Coin. Sounded good, but it really wasn't.

I still like this project, but I accepted the loss and moved these funds into something more promising.

6/ $TCP was shilled to me by the most experienced trader in my team. He calls himself "the head trader"πŸ™„

7/ There were more than this, but these are the ones I remember most fondly when I cry myself to sleep.

In all seriousness, this has been an amazing year for me and #crypto changed my life.


8/ How could I forget $CRAFT. I still hold this and I averaged down. I think the fundamentals are good and I will give this one time to prove itself.

If I am wrong I am wrong πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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