Jamie Jenkins Profile picture
Political & Economic commentator | Previously head of health/jobs/wages stats @ONS | Stint at @BBC | Award-winning statistician

Dec 24, 2021, 6 tweets

The number of #Covid19 patients in hospitals in Wales has been trending down for 3 months and is 83% lower than last year

▪️ Some signs the long decline is stalling and I would not be surprised to see increases next few weeks.

▪️ The average age of patients in hospital is 74

Covid-19 cases are up 57% week on week with both the case rate per 100k and % of tests coming back positive on the rise.

In the 7 days to 24 December there were 107,187 Covid-19 tests reported with 27,341, so 25.5% came back positive.

◾️Almost have of all the identified cases were in people under the age of 30

Deaths linked to Covid-19 have been falling in recent weeks in Wales and are currently 90% lower than this time last year.

#Wales #COVID19 #Vaccine Tracker as at 23 December

1️⃣ 2,486,737 first doses given out - 90.4% of 12 and over

2️⃣ 2,296,242 second doses given out - 83.5% of 12 and over

3️⃣ 1,540,345 booster / third doses given out - 56.0% of 12 and over

A further 62 patients definitely or probably caught #Covid19 in Welsh hospitals in the w/e 19 Dec - up from 50 in previous week

It takes the total to 8,588 since the start of the pandemic

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