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⚽️📊🧤 Head of Data Science @goalkeeper_com - University of Cambridge Astronomy PhD graduate - Data featured in @TheAthleticFC & @SkySportsPL

Dec 24, 2021, 16 tweets


How good has #Ramsdale been for #Arsenal so far?

I’ve seen him described as both “the signing of the season” & “a camera save merchant” but what does the data say?

In this thread I will breakdown his performance in all areas of goalkeeping using my bespoke models


Shot Stopping:

#Ramsdale’s shot stopping has been excellent, my model predicts he has saved #AFC ~3 goals more than an average #PL shot stopper would’ve thus far!

He’s basically only conceded vs close range shots in the corners & has pulled a few shots out of the top corners!

Shot Stopping:

His Best 3 Saves (Lowest ExSave Saves Made) are below 😮:

1. 31% Save Probability vs Bowen

2. 52% Save Probability vs Maddison

3. 57% Save Probability vs Moura

They highlight #Ramsdale big strength, his agility & ability to cover huge amounts of the goal area.

Shot Stopping:
His Worst 3 Goals Conceded (Highest ExSave Goals Conceded) are below 😔:

1. 64% Save Probability vs Son

2. 61% Save Probability vs Edouard

3. 55% Save Probability vs Bruno

They highlight how #Ramsdale can occasionally gets his pre shot weight distribution wrong


#Ramsdale’s handling has not been at the same level as his shot stopping, & while he has only conceded once from a rebound, my model finds he has presented the opposition with ~1.5 more ExG than the avg #PL GK would be expected to given the shots he’s faced!



#Ramsdale’s handling is something he will want to work on & I think he definitely has potential to improve this as his handling errors thus far have mainly been down to lapses in concentration & suboptimal decision making in terms of shot stopping technique selection.

1v1 Stopping:

#Ramsdale’s 1v1 stopping has been out of this world! My model predicts he has saved #AFC ~5 goals more than an average #PL shot stopper would’ve thus far!

His bravery & excellent decision making have been vital in him saving an incredible 13 of the 16 1v1s faced!

1v1 Stopping:

His Best 3 1v1 Saves (Lowest ExSave Saves Made) are below 😮:

1. 36% Save Probability vs Mane

2. 40% Save Probability vs Jota

3. 57% Save Probability vs Iwobi

They highlight #Ramsdale’s ability to get close to the striker & spread himself extremely effectively.

Cross Claiming:

#Ramsdale’s been solid at dealing with crosses into the box.

My model finds he has prevented ~0.31 ExG per game due to claims (0.06 ExG higher than an avg #PL GK), that he frequently opts to catch (71% of the time) & has only attempted a claim & failed once!


#Ramsdale’s sweeping is an area of concern!

My model finds he has prevented just ~0.02 ExG per game due to sweeps (0.08 ExG less than an avg #PL GK), this is low due to both lack of activity & a low success rate

It will be interesting to see if he can improve this!


Ramsdale’s distribution has been class, his ability to play clipped balls into #AFC’s CFs & low passes into #AFC’s CMs has revolutionised the way #Arsenal can build from the back. He’s also been awesome at retaining possession when the opposition have pressed him.


Overall #Ramsdale has been +0.45 goals per game above avg for #AFC

(last year #Leno was +0.21)

Thus #Ramsdale has been class & while he does occasionally make saves harder for himself he is not a camera save merchant & is a shout for signing of the season!


#Ramsdale’s exceptional form has been driven by his ability to stop almost every 1v1 he has faced & fly across goal to claw shots out of the corners!

His command of the box has also been strong however there is room for improvement in his handling & sweeping!


That’s the thread!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope this was a fun early Christmas present for everyone interested in #Ramsdale, #Arsenal, & #Goalkeeping & I hope it was a nice bit of Christmas Eve reading!

If I was to do a similar thread for another goalkeeper in the #PremierLeague who would you like to see me do first?

I just want a rough idea of which #PL GK interests most of my followers!

Merry Christmas everyone!

If you enjoyed this thread here is a video I did with @LatteFirm a few weeks back about #Ramsdale & his performances up to that point, the majority of the conclusions are the same so if you prefer a video format check it out!

#AFC #Arsenal #GKUnion

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