Juan José Profile picture
Entrepreneur, Philosopher, Husband, Father, Amateur musician, Community builder, Product guy & Twitter Hypeman. https://t.co/WzEoVuT9q8 Can I help? DMs open 🗣

Dec 27, 2021, 13 tweets

What super valuable lessons did we learn this year?

I'll review my most cherished insights of this 2021 in this thread featuring 8 topics as #community #marketing #startups #impact and more:

1. "Ten Cultural Protocols that fuel Silicon Valley Network Effects" by: @JamesCurrier (@NFX)

You may want to engineer these protocols in your communities and environments to boost your impact creation 🔥

2. "How do you think about evaluating a company in a saturated market?" Twitter Answers to a @MacConwell question featuring @Zecca_Lehn @lolitataub @iamjakestream @Just_Kate @DelJohnsonV @vikbeingvik and Mac himself 🧠

3. "Mastering your many minds" by @garrytan

Just as the ancient Greeks knew it: we need to know ourselves in order to become authors of our own adult life.

4. "What makes for a successful MVP?" Twitter Answers to a @lolitataub question featuring @JaiminDesai93 @diealvarado @genzboss @dhana and Lolita herself 💎

5. "Investor Communication 101" a Thread by @BenjaminPutano and @MacConwell featuring also @david_perrell quoted by @LubaYudasina and a video by @jackconte 👉🏼

6. "A startup marketing manifesto" by @gregisenberg
In the words of the author: "Marketing isn’t a scam. Marketing makes change happen. Marketing makes your creations known"

7. "Machiavelli for Women: 7 Power Strategies for the Workplace" by @tferriss

This was a scandalous one 😅 My opinion on this: (1) Don't be Machiavellian in terms of doing whatever to have it your way (yuck!); (2) Mine the nuggets of truth out of Machiavelli's approach

8. "A guide to Minimum Viable Community" by @rosiesherry

Bonus: "6 signs of community-market fit" by @TheTeaGuns (@Commsor)

I hope this 2021 was filled with learnings and insights for you, and as always I wish this content helps many, many people from our communities!

et. all ;)

Er... I misattributed the ideas to @tferriss when the blog post clearly states those are from a book by @svaneksmith Sorry for the confusion!

And thanks to @TeamTimFerriss for pointing this out

Bonus 2: A lesson on love that binds together all the learnings of the previous infographics, identified and shared by @IAmRobRyan 💙 (with a couple of addenda from myself, hehe)

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