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#HARRISWALZ2024 Women's Rights Are Human Rights She/Her 4/20 #NoHumanIsIllegal #CriminalScotus #BLM #GunReform #LGBTQAlly #EndAsianHate - No lists

Dec 29, 2021, 23 tweets

Women are a force to be reckoned with, so why do the GOP treat us like decorations! Don't tell us what to do with our bodies when most of your are perverts.

YOU are deciding what happens to ME?!

Their 2024 candidate won't turn over his DNA that would exonerate him in a rape related case, if innocent.

Here's GOP women. Next case.

You have got to be NUTS to be a woman in this party. WOW!

Keep em here! He's just lovely. He had a GAME that had him sleeping with women for POINTS. LONE SEX TRAFFICKER VOTE AND all around pervert with lots of skeletons plus drunk driving to boot..

This is SICK. He and his wife hung out at an underage sex trafficking mansion and they were still voted in.
Locker room talk lol ok. Wrong locker room.

45 called him a "ladies man". He does coke off the stomach of teenagers.

He is a misogynist like the rest of his group.

Eric Clapton, I listed to you for YEARS and that you've Tweeted yourself posing thumbs up with Gregg Abbott, a known misogynist, has shown the kind of shallow being that you are. Every album has been removed from the collection. I consider them tainted, like you.

(And I've got a fairly decent collection)

He will lie
He will lie
He will lie
Covid..(He's against masks and vaccines)

18 years old valedictorian gets it. Now let's respect her future and vote these misogynists out of office.


If Yeast was a person.

Welcome to the TZ where women even vote against their own rights…

Melania is a stooge. She hates everyone but herself and money AND other women. She hung out REGULARLY with a woman who is awaiting a verdict on horrific sex trafficking charges, She's part of the deal and she sucks.

Understand this (AGAIN)
Jason Miller was promoted AFTER he gave he slipped his mistress and her child an abortion pill almost putting the mom in a coma. He ALSO has never met his first out of wedlock child and refuses to pay. He's lost every case in court but GOP doesn't mind.

Would you hire this guy after reading his, let alone PROMOTE him?


He is revered by the GOP. Period. NOBODY has EVER denounced his behavior

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