Propane Jane™ 🔥💣 Profile picture
Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Doctor. Christian. Texan. Longhorn. Pragmatist. Democrat. Scorpio. Recycler. Politics Junkie. Proverbial Firestarter.

Dec 31, 2021, 12 tweets

We’re in the “she’s Black and talks about race/gender and the scourges of White supremacy in America” aka INTENSE category, so @TwitterSupport decided Y’ALL don’t need or deserve to see what we have to SAY #onhere. 🔥💣💅🏾

Nah, this pre-dates the new CEO. It started somewhere between ‘18-20 for me. My follow count had a pretty precipitous rise well into the 1st year of the DT apocalypse but by ‘18 there was a very obvious pause & I started noticing the “unfollow on my behalf w/out consent” fuckery.

But in complete fairness, I haven’t 100% hated it. 🙃🤭 Despite the subject matter of my content, I really do encounter relatively few MAGA or alt-left trolls and bots. It’s a double edged sword because I want y’all to see my tweets too but I also want to do it in PEACE. 🤷🏾‍♀️

The REAL solution is they need to #BanTheKlan, but they won’t/can’t do it because anyone who identifies as GOP/MAGA or extremist alt left would have to be deported from the platform. Welp. 🥴💅🏾

At this point I want them to apologize to me/us. Y’all know this is LOUD & WRONG, @Twitter! Shame on you, we rebuke it in the name of the 1st amendment & it’s NOT cute that you’ve created SEPARATE & UNEQUAL Jim Crow conditions #onhere. I dare you to suspend me for telling you. 🔥

While I’m at it, cc @jack.
What gives, *my* dude? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Like, is Jack seeing my tweets that he followed me to see, or NAH? #JustSayin #FreePJ 🔥💣🚀

Jack’s been following me since at least 2016 (that I know of), that’s why I’m legit curious to know if he’s been seeing my tweets or not?! 🧐 He could be just like y’all, wanting the 🔥 and 💣 but just LOST and TURNED OUT like the rest of the TANK. #Gasp 😱🤭 #FixItJesus 🙏🏾

The Whispers - (Olivia) Lost And Turned Out [Official Music Video]

Unasked for 13 years, you should win some type of Twitter prize. 😏☕️

I don’t even think they’re letting y’all see this thread. The SHADE and FUCKERY of it ALL on the “last” day of 2021. 😒 Let’s go, 2022. #HNY

Come on, MAN. 🙄😒 👀’M tHe hUMan BEing and I’m INTENSE at the same time. Try intersectionality, Twitter. It won’t bite you and it’s much better than unleashing a whole pandemic worth of COVID disinformation & a Russian/Klan/GOP/extremist alt-left cyberattack on America & the 🌎.

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