Christopher A. Longhurst, MD Profile picture
Chief Clinical & Innovation Officer @UCSDHealth, Professor and Associate Dean @UCSDMedSchool, Exec Director @InnovationUCSDH; views=mine, RTโ‰ endorsement

Dec 31, 2021, 9 tweets

1/ COVID (@UCSanDiego) Chronicles - Dec 31, 2021

Remember 2 weeks ago when the wastewater signal predicted an "unprecedented" COVID surge? This is what it looks like @UCSDHealth today ๐Ÿ“ˆ

Unroll for NYE predictions for January (bad) and 2022 (good) ๐Ÿ”ฎ

2/ Based on the steep rise and fall of the omicron surge in South Africa, many are predicting the same here. I am less optimistic because the @SanDiegoCounty surge is still ~25% delta, which will drive a longer duration with more hospitalizations ๐Ÿฅ


3/ The San Diego COVID surge is still โ†‘ with @UCSDHealth positivity rates at unprecedented levels, and @SDCountyHHSA reporting almost 6,000 (!) new cases yesterday. And we know this undercounts home testing...

4/ Manual contact tracing cannot keep up โ†’ please enable automated exposure notification today!

#CANotify is alerting almost 8 people for every positive test entered over the last 7 days


5/ Another way to look at COVID rates is with true asymptomatic screening tests in healthy outpatients. Our 7-day average @UCSDHealth is ~3.5%, which suggests at least 1 in 28 apparently healthy San Diegans are carrying #SarsCOV2

6/ Hospitalizations are increasing across San Diego already with over 500 people hospitalized with #COVID19 for the first time in months. I expect more people will hospitalized than last summer, but am optimistic that winter '22 will be lower than winter '21 because vaccines ๐Ÿ’‰

7/ @CAPublicHealth is worried enough about hospital staffing that they issued an All Facilities Letter (AFL) late last night with new staffing guidelines for COVID positive employees ๐Ÿ˜จโ€ฆ

8/ On a brighter note, March will mark 2 years of the pandemic, and we will be through this latest surge. I believe the @WhiteHouse and @WHO will use this anniversary to announce COVID is endemic. ๐Ÿ”ฎ

9/ Many will test positive in the coming weeks, and this @washingtonpost article has good advice.

Stay safe, stay masked, and #GetVaccinatedNow


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