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Jan 7, 2022, 9 tweets

It's #JobsReport day so time to update our jobs tracker.

The topline:

34m jobs = 16 yrs Clinton Obama
6.2m jobs = 11 months Biden
2m jobs = 16 years 2 Bushes Trump

Already 3 times as many Biden jobs as last 3 GOP Presidents, COMBINED. 1/

Breaking it down by month, jobs have been created at more than 50 times the rate under Biden as under the last 3 GOP Presidents.

Biden = 565k/month
Clinton/Obama = 176k/month
Bushes/Trump = 10k/month

Incredibly, GOPers saw only 10k jobs created per month over 16 years. 2/

During what has been one of the best years for the American economy in modern history, the unemployment rate has come down 2.4 pts, down now to a very low 3.9%.

In contrast the last 3 GOP Presidents all brought recessions, and rising unemployment rates. 3/

For all the GOP obsession about GDP growth, they have repeatedly struggled to produce it.

Growth this year under Biden likely to clock in at least at 5.5%, more than 3x last 3 GOP Presidents. 4/

Since 1989 and start of a new age of globalization 42m new jobs have been created in America.

40m of those jobs have been created under Democratic Presidents. 95%.

Just 2m under Rs. 5%. 5/

Our friend @robshapiro does a very good job at explaining what a huge economic year this was for the United States in an excellent new @monthly analysis. Do read. 6/

And just found this new graph, and it is one of our favorites.

New business were created in record numbers in 2021. 7/

Despite the pandemic, most destructive extreme weather in history, an attack on our democracy the American people put their heads down in '21, worked their asses off, innovated, and made the US economy boom.

Can do American spirit is alive and well. 8/…

Finally, you can find all these graphs and an accompanying analysis of it all in the post, below.

The bottom line:

With Democrats things get better

With Republicans not so much.


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