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đź“· Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Jan 8, 2022, 7 tweets

#RIP Marilyn Bergman
đź“· Lawrence K. Ho, 1996
"Lyrics as unabashedly romantic and time-conscious as the Bergmans’ require a singer’s complete emotional immersion to come fully alive."
- Stephen Holden
You Must Believe In Spring

I couldn't track down a photographer for this lovely 1969 shot of Alan & Marilyn Bergman. The #Oscar is for "The Windmills of Your Mind", one of many Michel Legrand songs for which the Bergmans provided the lyrics. #RIP
My favourite version is by Dusty!

The Bergmans by Lawrence K. Ho, 2015
#RIP Marilyn
So many great songs, so many award night triumphs.
The Way We Were, an Oscar-winning song from 1975, with music by Marvin Hamlisch. Grammy Song of the Year as well!

The Bergmans put lyrics to a tune by Bill Evans from 1970, called "Children's Playground Song". The result was this song, & album, by Tony Bennett, from 1998.
A great photo of Tony by Mark Seliger, BTW.

Music by Lew Spence, lyrics by the Bergmans.
"Sleep Low" by Dean Martin, 1958
Frank conducts!

The Bergmans wrote the lyrics for Quincy Jones' title song for In The Heat of the Night, 1967. Hard to believe that both Sidney Poitier & Marilyn Bergman are gone.
Ray Charles sings:

"What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?"
Another collaboration between the Bergmans & Michel Legrand, in 1969. One more #Oscar nomination (featured in Richard Brooks' The Happy Ending).
Chris Botti & Sting won a Grammy for their version, in 2005

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