Jack Margolin Profile picture
Personal acct. Conflict finance, guns, crime in data/PAI. Author of The Wagner Group, out Sept. 1 https://t.co/tRVoKtkobZ. Fmr @c4ads

Jan 13, 2022, 5 tweets

The Foundation for Defense of National Values - sanctioned by Treasury for its role in US election interference - has published the results of its recent polling in #Mali.

FZNC sent Maksim Shugalei to Mali late last year.

They claim that their 4,300 respondents generally feel more positively about the direction of the country since June of last year

They also report negative views of MINUSMA and French contingents in Mali

… and very positive attitudes towards Putin.

They also claim to have observed substantial increase in popular support for Assimi Goita - given their past activity, this is more valuable in telling us FZNC’s and it’s Russian patrons preferences

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