Dr. Malinda S. Smith Profile picture
Vice Provost & AVP Research EDI; Poli Scientist. Books:The Equity Myth; Nuances of Blackness in Canadian Academy; Critical Concepts. @GapDiversity #BlackAlberta

Jan 15, 2022, 16 tweets

Hold-the-dates: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Week 2022 @UCalgary #UCalgary

January 31 to February 7, 2022

Language, Land and Literature: The Changing Legacy of the Holocaust

Dr. Norman Ravvin, PhD, (Concordia U)

Date: Thurs, Jan 27, 2022
Time: 3-4:30 pm (MT)

Presented by the Faculty of Arts in honour of International Holocaust Remembrance Day
@UCalgaryArts events.ucalgary.ca/arts/#!view/ev…

The Equitable City: Constructing Canadian Identity Work Integrated Learning Studio 

Location: Stantec Gallery 
Dates: Jan 31 - Feb 4 (running all week)

Presented by School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape. @ucalgarysapl

Embedding and Sustaining Equity and Decolonial Praxis in Higher Education: Actualizing ProLovePedagogy

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ann Lopez, PhD, UofT

Date: Mon, Jan 31, 2022
Time: 12-1:30 pm (MT)
#EDIWeek2022 @UCalgary go.ucalgary.ca/2022-01-31THIS…

Empowering Leadership by Embracing Unearned Privilege

Dr. Linda Kongnetiman, PhD
Date: Mon, Jan 31, 2022
Time: 3 to 4 p.m. (MT)

Presented by the Women's Resource Centre
Register: #UCalgary events.ucalgary.ca/womens-centre/…

Indigenous Diversity Awareness and Education

Keynote Speaker: Kendal Netmaker 

Date: Tues, Feb 1, 2022
Time: 12-1 pm (MT)

Presented by Haskayne School of Business @HaskayneSchool and co-sponsored by OEDI
Register @UCalgary haskayne.ucalgary.ca/diversity-equi…

Indigenous 101: The Stories we are Told
Keeta Gladue

What do you really know about Indigenous communities?

Tuesday, February 1, 2022
10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (MT)

Presented by Indigenous Student Access Program (ISAP), Writing Symbols Lodge @UCalgary ucalgary.zoom.us/meeting/regist…

Intersectional Approaches to Understanding Mental Health

Truelove Twumasi-Afriyie

Tuesday, February 1, 2022
3 to 4 p.m. (MT)

Presented by Student Wellness, Staff Wellness, and the Campus Mental Health Strategy
@UCalgary events.ucalgary.ca/hr/wellbeing-w…

EDI Awards Ceremony

Wed, Feb 2, 2022
11 to 11:45 a.m. (MT)

President Ed McCauley, Provost @teribalser, Vice-Provost EDI Malinda Smith, Elder Reg Crowshoe

The #UCalgary’s annual EDI Awards recognize and celebrate inspiring students, faculty, and staff go.ucalgary.ca/2022-02-02-VER…

Black and Minority Ethnic Experiences in Higher Education: social justice, inclusion and white privilege

Keynote: Dr @KalwantBhopal, U of Birmingham

Date: Wed, Feb 2, 2022
Time: 12-1:30 p.m. (MT)
Register #UCalgary @UCalgary go.ucalgary.ca/2022-02-02-ver…

Game of Adding Ladders
Dr Laleh Behjat, Jennifer van Zelm, Matthew Bardsley

“discussions around equity, diversity, and inclusion issues are often difficult, we can bring levity and co-operation through gamification”
Wed, Feb 2
1-2pm MT
@SchulichENGG/ WISE ucalgary.zoom.us/meeting/regist…

In Your Face:Listening to the Voices of Niqab-Wearing Women
Dr Natasha Bakht, uOttawa

“interviews with niqab-wearing women..helps to refocus understandings of the niqab from the perspective of the wearer”
Wed, Feb 2
3-4:30 pm MT
@UCalgaryArts @UCalgaryLaw ucalgary.ca/equity-diversi…

Being Vulnerable and Creating Safe Spaces:

Join Dakshima Dilipani Haputhanthri as we discuss the importance of vulnerability in safe spaces, and how to create safe spaces.

Thurs, Feb 3
12-1 pm MT

Presented by the Women's Resource Centre #yyc @wrccalgary events.ucalgary.ca/womens-centre/…

It’s Not Just You:Perfectionism, Imposter Syndrome & Microaggressions
Keeta Gladue ᑫᐁᑕ
Th,Feb 3
1-3pm MT
Learn about..microaggressions.. gaslighting and how they impact us..how we can use curiosity and community to change the world
Writing Symbols Lodge ucalgary.zoom.us/meeting/regist…

Start Here: Building and Presenting your EDI plan for Tri-Council Funding Applications

Facilitators - Jaya Dixit (she/her), Caroline Morrison (she/her) and Emma Koiston 

Friday, Feb 4
12-1:20pm MT

Hosted by @UCalgary Research Services
Register #UCalgary ucalgary.ca/equity-diversi…

DiversiTEA:Justice in Scriptures

“religion has been used..to sow violence & division..which passages could be used to encourage justice,inclusion, equity..peace..design a better,pluralistic society?”
Fri, Feb 4
12-1pm MT
Faith & Spirituality Ctr #UCalgary events.ucalgary.ca/faith-spiritua…

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