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AusPolMate - Time for a break

Jan 24, 2022, 8 tweets

1/ $3.5b tender for Job-Active contracts soon 2B awarded
Repeating the failed payment model from the 2nd fleet
The 2nd fleet paid on quantity & 40% arrived dead or soon 2 die.
Contracts move to quality, 'how many arrived in good health'
Add health oversight & only 1% died

2/ Here is the tender, the closing date in February 1. With the duraction being 3 years.
The majority of Jobactive contracts end on 30/06/22
This is the type of contract that makes an incoming government become stuck with the 'old way' of doing things and makes reform impossible.

3/ In 2015 the Jobactive outsourcing bean with $7.4B in contracts issued.The majority ($7.1b) Bexpire in June 30.
No budget has been published, however I am assuming it will be a bit over the current ~$1b per year, $3.5billion in total.

4/ Schmoozing etc.
Susan Ley among many others are more than happy to be friends with Sarina Russo who has received over $1b in govt work.
New Power is on board of the 4th ranked company for $ of contract
Max is foreign owned, so the we lose a lot of the economic benefit

Michael West has a great article about these connections (i'll post at end).
An interesting change is the requirement for the vendor to say how many staff will be employed and there salary. It looks like the govt will pay big $$ but how much trickles down?

/ 6
The incentive/payment model appears to be exactly the same as it is now.
If someone has been unemployed for 5 years the reward for getting them employed etc. is not much higher than a recenly unemployed person. As Michael West points out, it's cheaper to ignore these people

The full suite of payments will result in the person being forced to do what is more profitable 4 the provider, with zero consideration given to what would be better for the person.
The Harvest Trail (pick fruit) is a joke, an unemployed person will still need to pay rent etc

Some references/links
Here is a good article from Michael West…

The tender page…

Journal Article & news article about the early convicts being transported to Australia.……


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