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creatives minds never fall in the category of outdated… #ProudIndian #ProudHindu 🙏🏼🚩🚩

Jan 28, 2022, 5 tweets

#Pitambaradevi …Shatrubuddhivinashini .. #Bagulamukhi Mata is one of the most powerful Devi who stands eighth amongst the #Dus Mahavidyas. According to the iconography as mentioned in the Tantrasara, Bagulamukhi mata is depicted sitting over a golden throne amidst the ocean .

Portrayed pulling the tongue of a demon with Her left hand while raising a club to strike the demon with Her right hand, Maa is associated with Yellow colour and this colour plays a pivotal role while worshipping Her.

There are different interesting stories about her appearance .. according to one of it , there was a demon named Madan, He had acquired the boon of Vak- siddhi according to which anything he said came true. Madan misused this boon and troubled humans and also killed them.

Terrified by the demon all the Devtas ran to Maa to seek help. Maa Bagla stopped him by taking hold of his tongue & stilling his speech . She is Aadi Shakti. She is the energy which is the reason for the existence of this whole universe. She is the supreme power.

ॐ ह्लीं बगलामुखी देव्यै सर्व दुष्टानाम वाचं मुखं पदम् स्तम्भय जिह्वाम कीलय-कीलय बुद्धिम विनाशाय ह्लीं ॐ नम:

#Hinduism 🚩
#SanatanDharma 🚩

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