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Ex-Banker | IT Professional | Investor and Trader | Noiseless Charts | Not SEBI Registered | Posts are only for sharing observations!!

Jan 30, 2022, 6 tweets

A small multi time frame system to identify stronger stocks based on RSI/SuperTrend/EMA
a) RSI > 55 < 70 in daily
b) RSI > 60 in weekly/monthly
c) Candle close above SuperTrend(10,3)
d) Candle close above 200EMA in daily and 34EMA in weekly/monthly

I have published these scanners in TradePoint Web of @Definedge. These scanners can also be developed in TradePoint Desktop.
1) Run these scanners on Multi Time Frame Scanners

Save the qualified candidates (score above 2) to a group for doing further analysis.

Run FusionMatrix on this group to check stronger candidates, Sort on RS-Ranking score and select top candidates. Look for long entries based on your favorite systems.

One example #TATAELXSI on daily charts
RS chart bullish ABC pattern and in Price chart probable bear trap and bullish ABC
(bullish divergence between price and RS charts also)

Another way of doing further study is to run Heikin-Ashi bullish reversal scanner on the short-listed candidates. This scanner is also published in TradePoint.
I ran this scanner and the result as follows:
Example of #ONGC

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