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Transforma tu práctica clínica ⚡ Estamos creando la App móvil que necesitas en Cardiología. - The cardiology app you need is on its way! #POCUS #Echofirst

Jan 31, 2022, 14 tweets

TOP 🔟 ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY CASES ➡️ January 2022 (in my opinion) #medtwitter #pocus #echofirst #cardioed #cardiotwitter #medicaleducation #ENARM


10. Septal bounce - In effusive constrictive pericarditis - @ahmed_ellaien

9. Pulmonary embolism and right ventricular thrombus in transit @carlosjuanatey

8. Vena cava thrombosis 1/2 - @dieker_patrick

7. Thrombus in Transit through Patent Foramen Ovale - @MustafaAhmedMD

6. Ventricular septal rupture complicating acute myocardial infarction 1/2- @VirginiaZarama

6. Ventricular septal rupture complicating acute myocardial infarction 2/2- @VirginiaZarama

5. Patient in electrical storm. Thrombus-in-Transit Entrapped in a Left Atrial Appendage - @SMathewi

4. LV thrombus? (Loeffler?) @SamiraSoltaniMD

🥉Aortic Dissection. Flap protruding through aortic valve 1/2 @QasimAbri

🥉Aortic Dissection. Flap protruding through aortic valve 2/2 @QasimAbri

🥈Thrombus in Transit @hamedsghamdi

🥇 Free wall rupture @fazalabul

@dieker_patrick 8. Vena cava thrombosis 2/2 -

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