Erin Tarantino 🇨🇦 / 💙💛 Profile picture
🇨🇦SPORTS/#LeafsForever•Movies/History/Gaming/Politics/Cat Rescuer• Anti-disinfo activist. Leukaemia cancer survivor! #MECFS #LongCovid since March 2022 ♑️🍉

Feb 3, 2022, 8 tweets

So you accidentally participated in domestic terrorism

#OccupyOttawa #Coutts #freedomconvoy #FluTruxKlan 🤦🏼‍♀️

The fringe conspiracy theories are spinning about the gofundme being paused for violating terms and service, and now they’re getting refunds. Of course they think it’s a deep state plot, not because they got brainwashed by antivax propaganda and funded domestic terrorism #cdnpoli

And yes, this is domestic terrorism now what’s happening in #OccupyOttawa and #CouttsCrisis blockade. This was never about mandates or freedom it was about an anti science alt right political movement. The sooner you realize this is not a peaceful protest, the better.

“Stop telling the truth!” Typical propaganda tactic used in the antivaxx movement behind the #FreedomTruckers to push their disinformation about the vaccine too. They’re trying to deflect from the gofundme being shut down bc they’ve committed illegal acts. #terrorism

And yes they want to overthrow the government despite their narrative this is about mandates. They’re also freaking out bc Tamara’s fb has been disabled, the gofundme is shut down and they’re now committing illegal blockades. #GoHomeFluTruxKlan

#FluTruxKlan are completely unhinged from reality and are dangerous I hope that people realize this isn’t truckers fighting for mandates, it’s anti vax conspiracy theorists holding Coutts and Ottawa hostage for their political motives to overthrow liberal gov. @JimWatsonOttawa

🧵👇🏼Read here my breakdown on how the anti science movement has targeted vaccines in their disinformation propaganda to push a far right extremist movement in Canada. #OttawaOccupation #cdnpolitcs

This is why you don’t negotiate with terrorists #OttawaOccupation

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