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Light for the 99%. | Adventures of The Order: @prophetsjournal | YouTube channel:…

Feb 3, 2022, 52 tweets

Well. The Whoopie Goldberg suspension blows a hole in the minority olympics theory that black females with LGBT activist backings win every game. Nope! It turns out it's the Jewish ADL! whose tactics mirror the party they got in bed with on Aug 25, 1933: the German Nazis. #thread

2) If you watch the clip, Whoopie Goldberg said the holocaust was: 1) white people against white people and 2) really it was human against human. "It was a human problem," she said. Was she wrong? And even if she was, did it deserve a suspension? In a nation with #FreeSpeech?

3) IMO, the ADL (Jewish Anti-Defamation League) is an illegal extension of the Nazi movement. 'Nazi' is the abbreviation of National Socialist in German. And the ADL is nothing if not Israeli National Socialists. And just like Hitler, they smash anyone who questions their party.

4) And no one is more of a threat to Israelis than Protestants. Protestants are 'goyim' who dare to study the texts and visit the lands reserved for themselves, The Chosen. Look up ADL records and you will discover that Protestants are the number one target of their attacks.

5) Protestant booksellers have been outlawed in many states, their charities have been removed from Amazon and thousands of protestant businesses have lost their bank accounts across America do to an ADL accusation. There is never a trial. Everyone is assumed guilty.

6) Sadly the police, CIA and FBI have played a role in these ADL accusations and attacks. As such, Protestants have lost their land with as little as a single visit, they have been held and questioned without a lawyer present and some have even faced jail- again, without a trial!

7) The Nazis did the same. They took homes, froze bank accounts and put their businesses on blacklists, preventing any advertising or transactions to occur. And the Nazis did this to everyone who stood in their way. Guess who didn't stand in their way? Catholics & Zionists.

8) In 1933 the Catholic Church signed the Reichskonkordat with the Third Reich. It gave the Catholics immunity in exchange for Hitler's seat as Chancellor (no, the Germans didn't vote for the Nazi's!) The guy who drafted that pact was Eugenio Pacelli, a Roman lawyer.

9) The deal made Catholics so wealthy that Eugenio was elected Pope six years later in 1939. As soon as he was elected Pope, Hitler launched WWII and invaded Poland.

10) The other group that aided the Nazi party in 1933 were the Zionist Jews. The Nazi Party was run by its global chemical companies and steel works. They were hoping Hitler's concentration camps (labor camps) would provide cheap labor costs. But that required world trade.

11) And Hitler's companies lost the world market when the Catholic Church put Hitler in power. This move violated the Treaty of Versailles, the World War 1 peace agreement. The world boycotted German goods when it learned that Germany was violating their promises in 1921.

12) It had only been 12 years! The world had barely begun healing! And here Germany was saying, "we're not sorry for waging Wwr upon you all. In fact, we think we're going to start doing it again!"

13) By then the nations new what Germany used to build their last war machine: international trade. Before WWI, Germany had used its profits from cosmetics, women's stockings, food colorings, medicines, pest control chemicals & steelworks to build poison gas, war planes & tanks.

14) So, when Germany begin violating the Treaty of Versailles, the international Community begin boycotting German Goods. In fact, the boycott was so complete and strong that the German economy failed almost instantly.

15) Who cared if Volkswagen could get a worker for a dollar a day if no one would buy Volkswagen! What did it matter it BASF produced tar on a 24/7 basis if no one would ship that tar around the globe?

16) And that's where the Zionist Jews come in. Literally one month after the Reichskonkordat on July 20th 1933, the Zionist Jews signed The Transfer Agreement with the Third Reich, aka the Ha'avarah. Many simply say The Haavara Agreement. It was signed August 25th, 1933.

17) And though much has been written by the World Jewish Council, the ADL and Holocaust Museums in the last few years (a coin at auction from the trade recently alerted the world of this hidden pact), the fact remains that Jews made the Holocaust possible. I'll tell you why:

18) Have you ever heard of a kibbutz? They are little socialist communes in Israel built by Zionist Jews with a utopian vision. And with Nazi German labor camp goods.

19) Now, I have to rewind here a bit. But it's all to outline how German Jews made the concentration camp system possible.

20) You see, most people think the Nazi concentration camps began with World War 2, in 1939. "Germany invaded Poland and set up Auschwitz! A labor camp system 40 football fields large!" But that's not what happened at all.

21) You see, Germany's chemical cartels were broken up in the Treaty of Versailles. And they wanted to be back in business, big time.

22) Germany's biggest chemical company was named Badische Anilin & Soda Fabrik, or BASF for short. It was banked by Germany's Queen of Britain, Queen Victoria (both she and Albert were from Hanover, Germany).

23) Well, Queen Victoria had conquered South Africa, Egypt, India, China, Australia and Canada by 1865. You can imagine how she pushed the industries she backed across her British Empire.

24) And she opened plants in her industries across her empire too. This drawing of a BASF chemical plant in China shows the Chinese using river waters to dye cloth blue under the Royal Crest of Queen Victoria. (She loved using the black unicorn of Alexander the Great from Persia)

25) And don't forget! Queen Victoria's daughter, Princess Victoria, sat on the German throne. That's the first thing Germany's British Queen did: strengthen her home country. Princess Victoria Emperor Friedrich III were married by 1858.

26) Seven years later, Queen Victoria used the financial gain from raping India, Africa and the Orient into third world countries to launch numerous industries in her home nation. In 1865, BASF became her chemical hub. (Polluted the Rhine River. Still does!)

27) By 1865, her telegraph systems in London, Germany and France published news her way across the world. Reuters was her London branch, Berlin was her German branch and Havas was her French branch. (Berlin eventually became Wolff.)

28) And then there's Krupp Steel. Dear God, what Emperor Friedrich III did with Queen Victoria's money. I think their steel industry illustrates Germany's lust for world power better than any other industry.

29) And that's saying something. By 1903, Germany ran 90% of the world's chemical industry. (This BASF map is from today. I think they control even more now. But don't let the map fool you. BASF dominates Canada & Venezuela, two places missing here. It's scary af out there.)

30) Today people take chemicals for granted. BASF was selling chemical sets, pushing how natural their processes were. "You can do it too!" But in reality, their 100+ dyes were polluting the entire world, because Britain owned the entire world.

31) But then Germany's royal families turned around and used those profits to build an enormous war machine. I mean, they built slowly for almost 60 years! With intent!

32) Take Bayer. Bayer is a German chemical company also founded in 1865 under Emperor Friedrich III with his mother-in-law's financial backing. (The aristocracy of Europe was mostly German at this point, so the royals split up responsibilities to various family crests.)

33) Bayern is the German word for Bavaria, after all. I don't know if people would buy Bavarian Aspirin, especially since most of our forefathers tried to escape the aristocracy. Anyhow: Bayer=Bayern=Bavaria.

34) I knew who Bayer was when they bought Monsanto, so I wasn't surprised. But most people have no idea. And when I tell them, they're shocked.

35) And remember when that pharmaceutical company sent its HIV-infected plasma to Africa and India in order to keep up profits? That was Germany's Bayer. Bayer knowingly infected the world with HIV.

36) And you know those birth control pills you take? Bayer! And you know how they came out right after World War 2? That's because birth control was born out of the Nazi sterilization movement.

37) I think people forget what the Third Reich did at IG Farben. We know about 'medical tests,' but we don't realize how many of them were about women, reproduction and sterilization.

38) But in the 1800's no one saw Bayer as anything but a savior.

39) To the world of the 1800's, fabric were suddenly amazing, stunning and beautiful. It was a celebration in splendor, not an explosion in pollution and coming destruction.

40) Don't forget! The movie TITANIC destroyed hundreds of Victorian Era dresses. And we mourn that because - look at them!!! The colors, patterns and fabrics are amazing!!!

41) And that's exactly how the German thrones of Europe wanted it. German-born Prince Albert launched the socialism of his schoolmate Karl Marx back in Bonn, killing the Civil Rights movement in favor of consumerism. The Great Exhibition distracted everyone from the truth.

42) Europe was building an Empire rooted in Germany, Italy and Britain. As Queen Victoria and her children took seats at nearly every throne in the world (including Mexico!), they sucked the wealth out of every bone and poured it into their homeland: the Prussian war machine.

43) So Germany told the world that they were there to offer peace, health, healing and prosperity. Bayer sold aspirin and heroin for children to keep them quiet. BASF sold 100+ dyes and pest control products. Krupp Steel built railroads...

44) ...While Germany built an arsenal of chemical gases to exterminate the world.

45) When the Wright Brothers flew, they published the corrected math tables and charts that unlocked man's ability to fly. What did Germany do with this miracle?

46) Germany created The Taube, a bomber plane.

47) With Krupp Steel (founded for British steel production in 1811), the Germans added war planes to their growing arsenal of automatic guns, giant cannons.

48) And then, after opening the Pergamon Museum in Berlin - complete with the Gates of Ishtar stolen in secret crates from Babylon, the Altar of Zeus dug out of the Ottoman Empire and a slew of Egyptian artifacts - Germany used its might to take the world.

49) They loaded up their steel planes with cannisters of the most deadly gases known on earth and dropped them on unsuspecting citizens and soldiers alike all across Europe and the world.

50) In France, 6000 soldiers died instantly from gas cannisters dropped by Germans from the sky. (6000 was an enormous amount back then. The world was not that big.) This is a photo of the soldiers when the gas cleared.

51) Germany had been building an arsenal of war since the 1860's. Do you think it's an accident that Queen Victoria launched an exploration and excavation fund in Palestine at the same time? Before I go on, I suggest you read through this July 2020 thread:

I'm off to lunch! My husband is finally home and he built a fire. Fires makes me sooooo much better. Love you guys! Plus - I wrote a bit on @prophetsjournal this morning. Check it out.

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