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Feb 3, 2022, 8 tweets

Organizers/leaders of the #TruckersConvoy in #Canada hold press conference in #ottawa, 2/3 1pm EST

Opening remarks by constitutional lawyer @ikwilson with @JCCFCanada, followed by remarks with @Tamara_MVC

View full recording here


Part 2/8

Continuation of remarks by @Tamara_MVC

Part 3/8

Continuation of remarks by @Tamara_MVC about @gofundme and translations to French

Part 3/8

Remarks by Daniel Bulford former RCMP officer @BulfordDaniel

Part 4/8

Continuation of remarks by Daniel Bulford former RCMP officer @BulfordDaniel

Part 4/8

Questions and answers with @ikwilson related to the @gofundme fundraiser freeze

Part 5/8

Continued Questions and answers with @ikwilson related to the @gofundme fundraiser freeze

Part 6/8

@randyhillier answering questions to media and bystanders, followed by remarks from a trucker

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