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Feb 4, 2022, 22 tweets

Lets talk about @MaviaGame (Heroes of Mavia), a clash of clans-esque style strategy game powered by #NFTs and the blockchain... A 🧵..

*FYI - This isn't an endorsement to invest in anything, just my personal observations and opinions - #NFA*


What is @MaviaGame ?

Heroes of Mavia is a clan-based strategy game which is built upon NFTs, Fungible token economy & the blockchain.

Players will use their base (NFT) and army to battle other players for in-game currency in a #P2E fashion.


The core objective of the game is for users to grow their base and army using in-game resources that are earned by attacking other players bases.

Lets jump into the foundational building blocks.. Bases, Heroes, Statues, resources, tokens.. OH MY! ⏩


What is a base?

The game revolves around a players base. Bases will be minted as an in-game NFT asset via their land settler program.

Bases come in..

👉common - 0.3 eth
👉rare - 0.6 eth
👉legendary - 0.9 eth

More - [4/22]

Other key points for Bases..

👉Needed to play the game.

👉Can be rented or placed into a partnership. Both models will can be a source of passive income.

👉Can be upgraded via $Ruby (Increases economic value). This encourages the $Ruby economic loop and sink.


What are Heroes & Statues (NFTs)?

👉Heroes assist in attacking opponent bases and protecting your base. Each base can contain 4 heroes max.

👉Statues act as an in-game multiplier on your base. For example, a gold statue will be able to speed up gold production etc..


Key points on Heroes..

👉Can be sold via Mavia marketplace.
👉Can be upgraded via $Ruby similar to bases.
👉Can be equipped with skins that are purchased with $Ruby


What are the 'in-game' resources (Assets)?

The whitepaper references the following:
👉Ruby (Also part of token economy)

The main resource the economy will revolve around is Ruby. There isn't much information on Gold or Oil but will have in-game utility.


What is the in-game fungible token model?

The game features a 2 token economic model.
$MAVIA - Governance token (Think $AXS)
$RUBY - In-game rewards & utility token (Think $SLP)


Lets spend some time on the tokenomics themselves, the team has put effort into creating a sustainable ecosystem, albeit it's all still an experiment until proven.

Mavia's goal is to cycle the value back through in-game assets via upgrades and multipliers.


High level overview of $Ruby..

👉Players incentivized to spend $Ruby by upgrading their in-games assets (Bases, heroes, statues)

👉Withdrawing $Ruby is discouraged via a 15% withdraw fee to a users wallet (This has pros and cons)

i.e. reduce sell pressure on $Ruby


An additional point on $Ruby..

If $Ruby is bought on an exchange and deposited into the game to play the player will receive a 10% deposit bonus.


High level overview of $MAVIA..

👉 $MAVIA will be used a governance token which will contain staking incentives.

👉 $MAVIA will also be used outside of the game via Mavia web platform to buy and sell in-game assets and rent bases.


One more *critical* point on tokenomics which makes @MaviaGame stand out for me.

Watch this video of the tokenomics model of all of the in-game loops and how the token emissions and sinks (Burn) are distributed.

In my opinion.. Top Notch!


Additional Ruby info-graphics on earning & utility.


So what is the roadmap and when will the game be delivered?

👉Q1 2022 - Token launch / NFT sale
👉Q2 2022 - Alpha / Beta testing
👉Q3 2022 - Public Beta launch
👉Q4 2022 - Mavia game release / global launch


Who is the team behind the Project?

The game is being developed by a game studios by the name of @SkriceStudios headquartered in Hanoi, VN per their LinkedIn profile (See relevant links at the end)

They appear to have an active team and also actively hiring.


Who is partnered with Skrice studios x Heros of Mavia?

👉 @BinanceLabs
👉 @GenblockCapital
👉 @exnetworkcap
👉 @DoublePeakGroup

👉 @TeamQuesoGG

In my opinion, this is a solid list of prominent names with a proven track record.


Final thoughts:

👉Large ambitious undertaking with aggressive deadlines for a large game.

👉 Fundamentally the pieces are coming together on the front end. Now it is all in the execution.

👉 The tokenomic model looks promising and has potential to be successful.



👉 Backers and partners along with the the team are solid.

I will need to see how the team executes and iteratively assess as it's early but out of most games in this space this one looks promising.

I am watching this one closely 😁


Hope you all enjoyed this thread on @MaviaGame. If this added value to you in any way I ask that you like, retweet or comment if you desire to and it's greatly appreciated!

Feel free to add to this if I missed or misrepresented anything, cheers 🎉


Relevant links:

Game Deck -
Website (Mavia) -
Website (Skrice) -
LinkedIn -
Binance Labs article -
Other partner articles -


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