巴丢草 Bad ї ucao Profile picture
Chinese Australian artist/Award wining cartoonist for @theage @smh /Human rights Activist/DM for signed print & original art /New Book https://t.co/O7ZmTytF6D

Feb 5, 2022, 21 tweets

1/ @GWtweets George Washington University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (GWUCSSA) is launching a witch-hunt to the student activists puting my boycott #beijing2022  posters in campus.

A classic smear campaign to cancel criticism against CCP via calling it “racism”.

2/ The collection posted in @GWtweets includes 5 posters depicting CCP’s

1. Oppression of the Tibetans
2. Uyghur genocide
3. The dismantling of HK democracy
4. The regime’s omnipresent surveillance systems
5. lack of transparency surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

3/ it is misleading & ignorant to call my art “anti-China” or “racist” giving fact I am Chinese artist
The smear campaign from CCP affiliated groups like this directly harms #FreeSpeech in uni
@GWtweets must protest & defend rights of its students to voice out for human rights.

4. all 5 posters designs are free for downloading to protest CCP‘s genocide #Beijing2022

please share to advocate and protect those brave students activists who put my art in campus of @GWtweets

They are facing threat like doxing and physical harm from CCP any minute!

5. the smear campaign by CWUCSSA is also launched from #WeChat

here is the link:mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7UjrIYP0ASYg…

The organizers from this CCP whitewashing operation shall be looked carefully from US authority.

6. I,the artist of all 5 posters, want to propose to @GWtweets and GWU China Students and Scholars Association to have an OPEN debate on the Campus of @GWtweets on the topic “if my art is racism or legit criticism against CCP”

7. Nancy seems to b from GWUCSSA.
She associated my art as Trump's racist calling “Chinese Virus”

This is an absurd comparing.
My art is always about criticizing CCP and celebrating courage of Chinese who bravely fighting back against the system like Dr Li.

8/ CCP is always trying to confuse and mix the notion among #Country #People and #government in order to cancel any criticism as “anti-China” or “raciam”

This has been strategy since the very beginning of its ruling even reflecting in its national flag design.

9/ design of 🇨🇳 does nothing to reflect China‘s history culture or People but a pure politicized propaganda to enforce CCP’s dominance

Big Star:CCP
4 little star: different classes
meaning:all people just follow CCP

Thats why flag in my art represents CCP instead of Chinese

10/ ChineseCultureAssociation from @GWtweets uses Wechat to launch a new witch-hunt against my #beijing2022  protest art.
it claims, GWU’s new president @PresWrightonGW said he was personally offended by my art.
I’d kindly ask Mr wrighton why art critcising CCP would offend him?

11/ In this new letter form CCA, it calls my art about CCP’s crimes against Tibetans HKers and Uyghur are controversial and violent.

But why does CCA not denounce CCP’s Uyghur genocide as racist n hateful but call my art depicting this human rights disaster is too violent ?!

12/ Again CCA tried to pin my art with “Chinese Virus” Accusation

But my art is explicitly targeting CCP
Yes i would call it CCP virus.

thats because the 5 star flag 🇨🇳 never represents China's culture people or history but CCP‘s dominance.

13/ full letter from CCA from WeChat

14/ I just cut all profits for T-shirt, poster and toe bag with my design of #Beijing2022 
from my art shop:

for support students attacked by CSSA & CCA for posting my art GWU @GWtweets,

i hope more will go GWU to display the art in solidarity !

15/ In response to CSSA, GeorgeWashington Uni @GWtweets president @PresWrightonGW claims he is “personally offended” by my art criticising China’s rights abuse like Uyghur genocide & oppression in Tibet & HongKong.

I demand him an explanation why exposing CCP’s abuse offends him

16/ for the authenticity of the email, I can not reveal the source for security concern of my helpers.

However, the screenshot is circulating on WeChat Group of CSSA.

And the letter is also quoted by CCA’s public statement on WeChat:

17/ April, 201,almost 6 years ago,tutor Wu from UNISYD po a video of himself burning his Chinese passport , extinguishing flames in a toilet bowl.
He was accused as racist n doxed by Chinese nationalists
he was eventually fired by UniSYD for this smh.com.au/national/nsw/u…

18 #BREAKING we won a little

19. This is my response to @PresWrightonGW the President of @GWtweets new statement on my post.

I weclome the decision from GW to admit it’s a mistake to take down my art.

However, stopping wrongdoing won’t just fix the damage already done.

20 “Dear GW admins, if your initial glimpse of this particular poster determined it is inappropriate and offensive, it’s because it is.” — CSSA‘s new response to GW’s changed attitude on support my art.

Very reasonable and objective!

fstatement link:mp.weixin.qq.com/s/i-CID9x2NeDG…

21 China‘s National TV (CCTV) is just spotted in GWU @GWtweets campus.
They allegedly interview students about my Olympic protesting posters.

If confirmed,it will b an concerning development.
Clearly an intimidation to Chinese students who dare to speak up against ccp in GW

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