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Stanford MBA making slides about #Bitcoin. To get my analysis in your feed, hit 'Follow'

Feb 8, 2022, 11 tweets

.@HeatherReyhan and her husband @unrealdutch were arrested today for the 2016 Bitfinex hack, were sitting on 120k BTC worth $4.5B

My fav part is how Heather got this 2019 writeup in Forbes:…

Here's her rapping she's a "bad bitch":

"Got Burnout? This Tech CEO Thinks You Should Try Stealing $4.5B in Bitcoin"

What a gold mine

"the best way to celebrate completing a bunch of #hardwork" aka stealing $4.5B in #Bitcoin

"Muthafuckas HODL! Our mission is noble! Ya, wanna be a mogul!"

She says while sitting on $4.5B of #Bitcoin stolen from @bitfinex

Check out the posture on the @Bitfinex hacker, Ilya "Dutch" Lichtenstein. Looks familiar

Oh my god no waaay, it just keeps getting better

as unthinkably stupid as it is to stash $3.6B in stolen Bitcoin on Dropbox... these are the ppl in question...

Y'all wondering how they got caught?

Feds texted this number: "what kind of secret stuff?"

Naturally this too

.@unrealdutch wrote this piece in 2018, as CEO of Endpass. Could not be more ironic...…

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