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Boston Area Assange Defense #PardonAssange Contact us at Assange Case Evidence Files

Feb 12, 2022, 14 tweets

Feb 7th, Boston showed up to defend press freedom and #FreeAssangeNOW!
Good turnout - new supporters!
Good speeches and lots of handouts distributed!
👉Calling on the Biden administration to #DropTheCharges @POTUS AG Merrick Garland
Thread 👇

"We are here not only for the freedom of Julian Assange, we are here to support the journalists.We are here to support the truth. We are here to support the freedom of expression. That's why we are asking the US to #DropAllCharges against Assange.
Massoudeh Edmond, Peace Activist

"[Our reps] should be hearing from us every day. They need to #DropTheCharges - it would be as simple as that ... Assange has lost 10 yrs of his life's been 3 yrs of murder by process ...@NilsMelzer says it's insane for Julian to be in jail."
Susan McLucas, Peace Activist

"This is a Kafkaesque situation. The US has been persecuting this man..They made up false charges about Assange & they have never been able to prove any of them..he should be freed immediately because of the misconduct on the world stage of the USA" James Van Looy, Peace Activist

"This [Assange] case is extremely important for preserving democracy ...There is the personal issue of the prosecution of Assange (solitary confinement, which is torture) but there is the political and democratic issue of publishers right to publish" Jeanne Winner, Peace Activist

"Stand together & demand that the US govt #FreeAssangeNOW! Call up @POTUS & demand freedom for Julian Assange. It's not only for Julian, it's for our freedom of speech. We cannot take it for granted! ...Stop the torture, the persecution of Julian Assange!"
Jane Binkerd, Activist

"US govt is the King of Torture around the planet & what they've been doing to Julian Assange is torture, psychological torture...If this is such a free nation how come Snowden had to go somewhere else?...a long list of freedom fighters that are being persecuted" Antuan, Activist

On @StateDeptSpox @APDiploWriter exchange:
"-What evidence do you have Ned?
-The intelligence agency.
-That's not evidence, that's an allegation on the level of Alex Jones.
Ned tried to paint the AP journo as a tool of Russia...they painted Assange as a Russian tool" @Plucille54

.@MaryKostakidis excerpts presenting Assange the Sydney Peace prize:
"It's important that we support a courageous Australian, one who is now confronting the cost of that courage...The issues here go to the core of our democracy and of our decency of our civil society"

"WikiLeaks is an essential part of the 4thEstate in the 21C by providing a secure way for whistleblowers to upload material anonymously &making source material available to the public it strengthened transparency..democratized information" @MaryKostakidis

@POTUS .@AssangeBoston committee launched a 'Colleague Letter' campaign to inform Congress on #AssangeCase encouraging them to join collectively as a body to demand the Biden administration to #DropTheCharges!
Letters were assembled and mailed after our Feb 7th action! #FreeAssangeNOW

Thank you Susan McLucas, Jeanne Winner and Victor Wallis for following through on this excellent letter campaign to educate & motivate Congress to act on behalf of press freedom and the human rights of #JulianAssange!
Hoping to hear back from some of our reps soon - will update!

Joe Kebartas on Afghan papers showing how Pentagon officials lied to Congress abt funding "a lost cause from the beginning. Those generals shld be up on perjury. Assange is telling the truth & I can't understand why he's in prison because he has no charges against him in England"

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