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Feb 13, 2022, 6 tweets

#BREAKING Ukraine vows to keep airspace open despite Russia threat

#UPDATE Ukraine on Sunday vowed to keep its airspace open to international travel despite Western warnings that Russian troops conducting drills near its borders could invade at any point

📷 File pic shows one of Ukraine budget airline SkyUp's planes

#BREAKING Moscow voices 'serious concern' over OSCE moves to 'relocate' Ukraine-based staff

#BREAKING 'Immediate' sanctions if Russia invades Ukraine: German Chancellor Scholz

#UPDATE German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Sunday that Western allies would respond "immediately" with sanctions if Russia invaded #Ukraine, while president Frank-Walter Steinmeier said "responsibility" for the risk of "war" lay with Russia

#UPDATE Ukraine on Sunday vowed to keep its airspace open and international travellers safe despite Western warnings that Russian troops conducting massive drills near its borders could invade at any point

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