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Feb 16, 2022, 7 tweets

1/ Well, tx for the waiting but we had to double check out #scientific findings cause:
It turns out #history of the #extinction of the #dinosaurs has to be rewritten! We found prove that Dinos survived at least until 11/2/2022 !!!

But let's start from the beginning.

puhh, I wanted to start from the beginning and than an surprising attack of vomiting struck me down. I suspect angry competitors poisening me. Anyway, as I said, we found dinos. Apparently they are not that special here. At first this one(1). It was sleeping or mummified,...

... sure yet. we went on (1) till Dolavon, they turn left looking for promising land. till (2). First we found some dino footprints(3). they were pretty fresh for animals supposedly extinct ten of millions of years ago! we knew we were on something big there!...

We followed the track but sadly came to late. Some birds of prey(1), descendants of the dinos as we all know today, had killed the last known dino on earth(2). a tradegy, sure, but that's how nature works its ways. luckely that's wasn't it....

We also did find fossils, the proof the dino been there all along. a nest of strangly fossilized eggs(1). We took one to examine it further(2)
We also found an egg were the baby dino made it out (3). From the size of the hole we can calculate the size of an adult. they were big!

As an conclusion based on just one fact is not scientific and certainly not proven, we present a second indicator. Big dino excrement(1 and 2). analog to the egg size we can estimate quite well the site.
With this expressions we say goodbye and tx to our dear readers(3,4)

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