Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Feb 16, 2022, 22 tweets

@kprather88 @jljcolorado @DrEricDing @HuffmanLabDU @YouAreLobbyLud @akm5376 @jvipondmd @First10EM @AliNouriPhD @lisa_iannattone @AndrewHewat

This thread is intended to hold up a mirror to the World Health Organization.

If a disease is airborne, does it make a sound?

If the World's Public Health Organization recognizes CoVid as airborne, does it make a sound? (Psst - it's airborne!)

Or does it release it quietly 2 days before Christmas?

Let's take a tour of the WHO's official announcements that CoVid is Airborne.

There was none - functionally.

It was released the week before Christmas.


December 21, 2021, @DrMikeRyan put out this video from the WHO account:

Where he never uses the word airborne.

December 22, 2021. @PeterASinger, special advisor to Dr. Tedros, releases this quiet statement regarding update to mode of transmission.

Let me stress how grateful I am that the WHO finally recognized #CoVidisAirborne.

Since then, have we

seen a huge media push from the WHO?


And the effects of that lack? Are noticeable.

We continue to see the most of the field of IPC (with the notable exceptions of @VicLeungIDdoc @EvonneTCurran @eliowa @kalisvar ) continue to insist that CoVid is not airborne.

We see this play out in hospitals across the world.

With surgical masks being deployed as clinically equivalent to N95's/ FFP2/ FFP3.

We also see this play out in public health departments around the world.

WHO -> Country CDC -> State/ Province Public Health -> County/

District Public Health Department.

In YOUR local department, do YOU see them saying CoVid is airborne?


We need more from the WHO. They should be saturating the airwaves.

I should be sick of seeing "CoVid is airborne" in all the WHO twitter accounts I follow.

Here's the mirror that I mentioned - I wanted to be very careful to give credit where credit is due.

@DirOPSPAHO - kudos for being the only WHO regional director whose official Twitter account, @pahowho, has said CoVid is airborne.…

Let's see the rest.

@doctorsoumya - chief scientist, but tweeting in her personal capacity per her profile page

Counts. But doesn't actually count. (Still thank you!)…

@DrTedros - anything he says from Twitter is official. Not tweeting in personal capacity.

Has not corrected the below tweet. And yes - the WHO has corrected tweets before.

I have the receipts.…

@DrMikeRyan - anything he says from Twitter is official. Not tweeting in personal capacity.…

@mvankerkhove - clearly labeled that she is the COVID-19 Technical Lead. Not tweeting in personal capacity.…

From @gabbystern

My apologies - there's no nuance anymore. CoVid is airborne. And we are still not ready.…

The official @WHO account.…

@takeshi_kasai's @WHOWPRO has not said #CoVidIsAirborne - nor corrected the tweet below.

You'll notice that TB is clearly labelled as airborne below this tweet.…

Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh's @WHOSEARO has NOT said #COVIDisAirborne. Nor corrected the below tweet.…

Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari's @WHOEMRO has NOT said #COVIDisAirborne…

At the start of every disaster movie, there's a scientist that's ignored.

Turns out there's also a World Health Organization that can easily let the world know loudly that CoVid is airborne.

Or not.

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