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Feb 16, 2022, 10 tweets

A real clip from 1 of the #Putin regime propaganda agencies this evening , showcasing how deranged the regimes propaganda really is : “#Ukraine is under martial law, all those not complying will be shot on sight without any discussions nor trials”

More from y’days (February 16th) broadcasts of the #Putin regime propaganda agency lies broadcasts : a Putin regime propaganda agent congratulating and glorifying the main Putin regime bootlickers in the US : Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson
#Ukraine #Russia

More derangement on #Putin regime propaganda agencies : “The whole world exists only thanks to Russia… Ukraine needs to know it’s place… Ukraine is sick and needs to be annihilated or controlled from outside “
#Ukraine #Russia

More from todays broadcasts form the #Putin regime propaganda agencies : “Ukrainians are psychotic and miserable people … They want to kill us , Russian people … The Ukrainian people are sick, Ukraine is a cancer within Europe”
#Russia #Ukraine

How did Orwell call this? “Two minutes hate” I recall?

More derangement from that same broadcast : “Why should we explain ourselves [regarding military buildup] ? Why won’t the US explain why the Pentagon operates biological laboratories near the border with #Russia
#Ukraine #Putin

Each minute of those “broadcasts” is even more outrageous and deranged then the other, here the “host” says : “If #Russia’n citizens will be threatened we’ll strike [NATO] HQs. Now let’s go to our reporter in 1 of those HQs ,that we will strike, in Washington DC”

We need to understand that those “pundits” are paid to be there and to be as deranged and outrageous as possible, kind of a freakish reality show
The main problem is - ordinary people that consume this,tend to perceive this as real facts and genuine “analysis” .
#Ukraine #Russia

I mean I could really go on and on with posting the stuff they’re saying there.
From years of seeing and hearing this BS I became desensitized to it and see it more as a joke then hideous hate creating propaganda machine.

I’m sensing that todays #Putin regime propaganda broadcasts are going to be interesting
#Ukraine #Russia

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