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🇺🇸🇪🇺American-European journalist ➡️Find me on Substack: https://t.co/gwwNEFSlwX

Feb 18, 2022, 8 tweets

70 presidents and prime ministers from Europe and Africa are arriving right now for day 2 of the #EUAUSummit in Brussels.

The big-picture geopolitical context: #Europe is trying to convince #Africa to choose them as a partner instead of #China.

European and African leaders have just held a press conference announcing a compromise on the issue of #Covid19Vaccines and IP rights.

The EU will set up technology transfer hubs in Africa to scale up production. But this falls short of the #TRIPSwaiver African countries wanted.

"We’re doing this in the right order," insists Macron.

"We first donated doses, now we’re launching these technology transfer hubs so we can develop the manufacturing sites for MRNA manufacture...Then we need the purchasing commitment."

Commission President Ursula @VonDerLeyen says this is a big step forward in Africa's "strategic sovereignty" when it comes to vaccines.

She notes that right now only 1% of vaccines administered in Africa were produced in Africa. The goal is to raise that to 60% by 2040.

But standing beside them, South Africa President Cyril #Ramaphosa says he has to bring up the elephant in the room

“It is not acceptable that Africa is consistently at the back of the queue. While we appreciate the donations, they are never a sustainable way to build resilience"

"The #TRIPSwaiver, when it is approved - or should I say which will soon be approved - will facilitate diversification of production that are currently cut out of vaccine chains," says @CyrilRamaphosa.

If they're serious about this EU governments should approve it ASAP, he says

But President @VonDerLeyen says the technology transfer must be done while "protecting a precious good, which is the intellectual property".

President @EmmanuelMacron agrees: "It’s not IP that’s preventing [African manufacture], it’s technology transfer."

The EU says the agreement on technology transfer hubs to produce #CovidVaccines in #Africa just reached at the #EUAUSummit will allow African production without threatening IP rights.

But African countries say it's not enough. They want a full #TRIPSwaiver so anyone can produce.

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