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A grassroots, lesbian-only organization that works to educate the public about homophobia, transgenderism, and the abuses carried out by Big Med and Big Pharma.

Feb 19, 2022, 12 tweets

Today, we’re spotlighting #gender doctors who aren’t afraid to tell the truth.

First up: Dr Ilana Sherer of @UCSF @PedsOnCall. Ilana has said that her clinic has mental health care professionals “rubber-stamp” children’s diagnoses. Src: (1/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall Does Dr @dianeehrensaft1 of @UCSF, who has no right to use the word d*ke, expect us to celebrate the disappearance of #butch #lesbians? Butches were the backbone of our community until drs started medicalizing them away. Src: (2/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 According to Dr Kellyn Lakhardt, Kaiser-Permanente @aboutKP in Oakland, CA has performed a cosmetic mastectomy on a 12-year-old and cosmetic genital removal on 16-year-olds. This IS happening to minors in the US. #healthcare Src: (3/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 @aboutKP Dr Wallace Wong has a lot of interesting things to say, including that kids “can be easily encouraged to one way or the other” on #genderidentity. Below, he explains the alleged correlation between attempted suicide and #genderdysphoria. Src: vimeo.com/326339802 (4/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 @aboutKP Dr Curtis Crane @crane_cts has been sued 9x for medical malpractice in the state of #California. He also does cosmetic penectomies. We wonder what “community” he’s talking about here. Src: archive.is/VE9Iu (5/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 @aboutKP @crane_cts In case you haven’t noticed by now, Dr Johanna Olson-Kennedy @gender_abacus of @ChildrensLA is Lesbians United’s favorite gender doctor. We applaud her honesty! #depression #mentalhealth Src: (6/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 @aboutKP @crane_cts @gender_abacus @ChildrensLA Dr Marci Bowers @bowers_md has recently been quoted in Yahoo News, the Daily Mail, and more, calling into question the “healthcare” standards Bowers helped pioneer. Src: archive.is/tCpYd (7/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 @aboutKP @crane_cts @gender_abacus @ChildrensLA @Bowers_MD Dr Jess Ting of @MountSinaiNYC @TransCareSinai operated on #JazzJennings when Jazz was still a minor. He openly admits that the procedure he performed on a child was experimental. Src: (8/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 @aboutKP @crane_cts @gender_abacus @ChildrensLA @Bowers_MD @MountSinaiNYC @TransCareSinai Dr Bella Avanessian, also of @MountSinaiNYC, explains the frequent need for revision surgeries among those who have cosmetic genital surgery. Cosmetic surgery → serious complications → medically necessary surgery. Src: (9/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 @aboutKP @crane_cts @gender_abacus @ChildrensLA @Bowers_MD @MountSinaiNYC @TransCareSinai Somehow, Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher @dr_sgallagher missed the memo that Dr. Frankenstein was the bad guy. She’s now famous for her #yeettheteets #gallagherguys memes. Where’s your empathy, Sidhbh? Src: archive.is/lN2Ui (10/11)

@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 @aboutKP @crane_cts @gender_abacus @ChildrensLA @Bowers_MD @MountSinaiNYC @TransCareSinai @dr_sgallagher Lesbians United believes in listening to gender doctors. Because if you listen closely, you’ll hear the truth. (11/11)

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